From today’s FBI affidavit quoting Boston City Councillor Chuck Turner:
“If you took out all corrupt politicians, you’d take out 90% and be left with us 10%.”
From the State Secretary’s Election Division Political Party Enrollment data as of 10-15-08
Republican Party enrollment in Massachusetts: 11%
Coincidence? I think not. Progressives should vote for Massachusetts Republicans in 2010 to clean house in state government and allow good people, Republican and Democrat alike, to run in 2012. Vote for the “Clean Slate” in 2010.
Please share widely!
Turner, who you’d have to take a giant leap of faith to assume he was correct, is talking about politicians. The party enrollment of Massachusetts is about registered residents. Where’s the connection besides the fact that the two numbers are approximately equal?
p>To ask further question, given that on the national level the runaway leaders in corruption and felonious activity of late has been the GOP, are we to assume that you voted for Obama, Kerry and the Dem US rep from your distict, or are we to do as you say but not as you do? Just wonderin’.
And, unfortunately, corruption [whether accepting cash or knee jerk support for industries who support the politician] has been all too common in both parties.
p>Shall I name names? National or local, that is I have real concerns about both. So I take the time to really get to know candidates, not by litmus tests but as much as possible, personally because if anything, the fact that John Edwards turned out to be so much less moral, less candid, and less “real” then his packaged persona.
p>I would say better to really know who represents you and who is running as up close and personal as possible. If your post had been about clean government, getting involved, and how to do so, I could have recommended it.
p>Just saying “vote Republican to clean house”, though, means no recommend is possible – from me.
p>In the race for the open 4th Middlesex Senate Seat the Republican candidate ran on a platform of Vote Yes for Question #1 – which was reckless, irresponsible, and ultimately, self-defeating at least with thoughtful voters.
p>In my opinion, the Republican party has shrunk and withered and allied with the far right to its own detriment.
p>Besides, WHY would I believe Turner anyway???
This reminds me of the old joke that 90% of lawyers give all the rest a bad name. I don’t think it’s any more true of lawyers than it is of politicians.
p>I think it’s human nature to do favors for one’s friends, but taking money from strangers (or anyone, for that matter!) is beyond the pale, and I would be astounded if the number is 10%; no way it approaches 90%! To say so is a huge smear on all those (of us) public officials whose motivations are wholly about improving our communities.