Harvey Milk is an iconic figure in the GLBT community. He gave hope to a community struggling to be treated with respect. Milk was elected city supervisor in San Francisco in 1977. He was responsible for passing the gay rights ordinance in the city and was a leader in the gay community’s efforts against California’s Proposition 6, which would have barred openly-gay people from teaching in public schools.
“Harvey Milk is my political hero. He never shirked from leading, powerfully and openly. Milk knew that openness and honesty was the only path to equality for LGBT people,” said Marc Solomon, the Executive Director of MassEquality. “The power of his example is as true on the 30th anniversary of his slaying as it was when he was leading the fight against banning gays from teaching in California schools. Milk liked to say about LGBT young people, ‘you gotta give ’em hope.’ Through his powerful way of living, Milk’s legacy still does.”
The candlelight vigil is being organized by the new LGBT rights organization, Join The Impact MA. Organizer Chris Mason said, “Harvey Milk was a true American hero. He stood up for what he believed in and even died for his cause. The candlelight vigil will be a reminder of the struggles LGBT people have faced in the past, and still face today. We will continue to carry Harvey Milk’s message of full equality and will not rest until we reach that goal.”
Those interested in attending the candlelight vigil can find out more information by visiting the website for Join the Impact MA (www.JoinTheImpactMA.com). Local organizers have also established a Facebook page for event (http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=36065638738).