I’ll leave it to BMG true-believers to verify this Washington Times story and interpret the tea leaves:
Over the weekend President-elect Barack Obama scrubbed Change.gov, his transition Web site, deleting most of what had been a massive agenda copied directly from his campaign Web site.
Gone are the promises on how an Obama administration would handle 25 different agenda items – everything from Iraq and immigration to taxes and urban policy – all items laid out on his campaign Web site, www.BarackObama.com.
…The 25 agenda items are still available on Mr. Obama’s campaign site
What’s this mean?
Please share widely!
laurel says
I suggest you go to fox.com. Failing that, wing nut daily should do good by ya.
johnk says
that’s readily available on your own campaign web site? Just wondering. shep, is this what we have to look forward to? I recommend Wing Nut Daily. That’s all I read, I swear by it. It all TRUE, really!
bostonshepherd says
that’s why I asked BMGers to verify the story.
p>Of course, in typical progressive fashion, there’s no substantive rebuttal or acknowledgment of the facts, just FDS (“Fox Derangement Syndrome,” and yes, you read it here first. I just coined it.) Washington Times? Must be a tissue of lies.
p>So I looked at the website myself and compared it to http://www.barackobama.com and what do you know, the WashTimes is CORRECT.
p>The facts being acknowledged, Laurel, what does the so-called scrubbing of change.gov portend? Anything? Nothing?
p>I think it means something. Don’t you?
p>Is it any coincidence that the ACLU ran a newspaper ad reminding the president-elect of his campaign promise to shutter Guantanamo? Are they fearful he will not follow through? It’s not even been a week.
p>I think this means something too: some progressive moonbat left tea-leaf readers are sensing a slight, very, very slight backsliding from BHO. Is he about to break his campaign promises? Will he begin a subtle right-ward shift from which to govern?
p>Who can say? It’s too early.
laurel says
for giving us a humorous twofer today. Lifted my spirits. Thanks bud.
bob-neer says
Even you, Shep., not just those who voted for him.
bostonshepherd says
I may have misjudged the man.
p>And if that’s true, will many liberals, including BMGers, be disappointed? My first impression of the ACLU print ad was that it telegraphed concern on their part that Obama might re-neg on some campaign promises.
p>In any case, the country is somewhat evenly divided. I do hope that there will be some centrist movement in the Obama administration.
christopher says
All it took was going to the page. It does not have a laundry list here, though Obama has already hinted at several early executive orders that would reverse policies of the current administration.
kbusch says
In your typical mystery story, the author takes great pains to paint one of the innocent characters to be just guilty and suspicious enough so as to distract the reader into thinking he is the murder.
p>So too our right wing: Obama is a secret Marxist, a secret Muslim, a secret Black Nationalist, a secret Socialist, and a secret terrorist. So it’s no surprise that the reactionary base sees something sinister in Obama’s smallest deeds.
p>They know who done it — even without skipping to the end of the novel.
p>Or so they think.
bostonshepherd says
I think Obama is sounding, speaking more centrist, not more progressive.
p>KBusch, did you even read my post?
kbusch says
Your concerns were unexpressed.
p>To me, at least, it is unsurprising that Obama is “speaking centrist”. He’s been doing that as long as I can remember.
hrs-kevin says
What makes you think it means anything in particular?
sabutai says
Sounds like an ambitious intern, or other low-level staffer decided to copy-and-paste. Then a grown-up read it, and there ya go.