The doors just opened a short time ago and this place is already packed.
Huge cheers when up when MA was called for Sen. Obama and when John Kerry was announced as the US Senate winner in MA.
Huge, huge cheers when PA was called just after 8 for Obama and when NH was called shortly thereafter.
Congratulations to Jeanne Shaheen in NH. We have 2 Senate races already called for the Dems.
I work for Senator Kerry as as an internet outreach coordinator.
Please share widely!
terri-buchman says
Thanks everyone for all the hard work.
p>Looking good so far for Obama/Biden
p>This has been a long, long primary season. But, the results tonight show it was all worth it.
p>The long primary season did result in a more effective Democratic Party in so many more states.
p>MA Attorney General Martha Coakley at the podium taking the long view of the road to this night.
p>She is repeating the reasons why an Obama Admin will make so muych of a difference both at home and abroad.
kathy says
There were cops there. It was NUTS. Like when the Sox won.