I feel like this is the real John McCain. He got dazzled by the brilliance of the Big Prize so tantalizingly within reach, I think, and surrendered to the whispers of the darker angels of his nature, to use a currently popular phrase, and the bad advice of his advisors.
It seems this statement can apply to many recent candidates of either party who lost.
Tonight let us salute Senator Obama as the author of a brilliant campaign, extend our congratulations and pray that he achieves greatness in office. To adapt the imprecation of Stephen Decatur: May he always be in the right; but our president, right or wrong.
p>If only the left could ever be so gracious and respectful.
on a comment like that? Obama is our president, right or wrong, from the opposition?
p>Either my post wasn’t very clear, or you guys seriously suck.
for the implication that the left is never gracious and respectful. If you actually believe that, you’re the one who is sucking.
for the implication that the left is never gracious and respectful. If you actually believe that, you’re the one who is sucking.
I cringed at McCain’s two references to “African-american” in his concession speech last night. Barack Obama is the best leader to come down the pike in decades and the fact that he is African-american has, in my mind, less to do with it than a hundred other factors. I know that his ethnic identity is all that some people see (and, regrettably all they may ever see), but I expect more from John McCain, especially at such an important juncture.
p>Historic moment? Yes. Does Obama’s race merit comment and analysis? Of course. But while listening to this extremely important address to the nation, I heard the same notes I hear when some dope says “He speaks well” or “Its all style, no substance”.
p>Am I being too sensitive?
I think you’re being a little too sensitive here.
p>Put yourself in his shoes..how could he not mention the magnitude of the fact that an African American has just been elected to POTUS? He had to acknowledge it and he did and I don’t think he did it in a demeaning way like saying “he speaks well.”
p>Let’s hope his supporters follow his example and show some political grace.
p>For example, FoxNews spent way more time critizing Obama and theorizing on how he will govern and warning him that he better govern as a centrist. I found myself frustrated and thinking could they just spend some time reflecting on and rejoicing in this historic occasion of a minority being elected President rather than just continuing the bipartisan republican vs. democrat fighting?
too bad he didn’t talk like that on the trail.
I feel like this is the real John McCain. He got dazzled by the brilliance of the Big Prize so tantalizingly within reach, I think, and surrendered to the whispers of the darker angels of his nature, to use a currently popular phrase, and the bad advice of his advisors.
It seems this statement can apply to many recent candidates of either party who lost.
It’s just beginning. Finally.
the exact same comment!
p>If only the left could ever be so gracious and respectful.
p>.or that matter, If only I could…
on a comment like that? Obama is our president, right or wrong, from the opposition?
p>Either my post wasn’t very clear, or you guys seriously suck.
for the implication that the left is never gracious and respectful. If you actually believe that, you’re the one who is sucking.
for the implication that the left is never gracious and respectful. If you actually believe that, you’re the one who is sucking.
I cringed at McCain’s two references to “African-american” in his concession speech last night. Barack Obama is the best leader to come down the pike in decades and the fact that he is African-american has, in my mind, less to do with it than a hundred other factors. I know that his ethnic identity is all that some people see (and, regrettably all they may ever see), but I expect more from John McCain, especially at such an important juncture.
p>Historic moment? Yes. Does Obama’s race merit comment and analysis? Of course. But while listening to this extremely important address to the nation, I heard the same notes I hear when some dope says “He speaks well” or “Its all style, no substance”.
p>Am I being too sensitive?
I think you’re being a little too sensitive here.
p>Put yourself in his shoes..how could he not mention the magnitude of the fact that an African American has just been elected to POTUS? He had to acknowledge it and he did and I don’t think he did it in a demeaning way like saying “he speaks well.”
p>Let’s hope his supporters follow his example and show some political grace.
p>For example, FoxNews spent way more time critizing Obama and theorizing on how he will govern and warning him that he better govern as a centrist. I found myself frustrated and thinking could they just spend some time reflecting on and rejoicing in this historic occasion of a minority being elected President rather than just continuing the bipartisan republican vs. democrat fighting?