Watch this, the first thing Ralph Nader had to say in public after America elects a President with African heritage:
Remember what Ralph said in 2000?
When asked if someone put a gun to his head and told him to vote for either Gore or Bush, which he would choose, Nader answered without hesitation: “Bush.”
Whatever he was in the 1970s and 1960s, Nader has been part of the problem for the past decade.
Please share widely!
david says
that Ralph Nader has been reduced to the likes of Lyndon LaRouche. But apparently that’s what he wants.
katie-wallace says
Those 500,000 people who voted for him this year must all feel so proud. And how about all of those people who voted for him in 2000 and helped destroy the world as a consequence of their actions.
p>Its time for him to go back to his plantation or cave or wherever he lives and stay there for good.
p>He may just be the most clueless man in America.
mr-lynne says
… at least one state:
mollypat says
When you make Fox News look like the reasonable, open-minded ones, it’s time to hang it up.