I cannot believe that what I thought of as an impartial reporting agency would stoop this low. They have lost all credibility in my eyes. I hope BMG will denounce this act of bigotry too. Please check out this top headline from this morning’s wake up call.
Just because people believe in heterosexual marriage does not give them license to resort to name-calling. I ask for BMG to denounce this act of bigotry.
Please share widely!
You’ve put a link to a Verizon email login in your post.
I looked through the last few days of headlines on PolitickerMA and didn’t see anything referring to same-sex marriage at all. (They’re quite concerned with the minority leadership in the House and the Turner thing.) Billxi, can you give us a valid link to what you are talking about?
That he’s talking about this.
p>Frankly, I thought it was hilarious.
Though the syntax of the post is not clear — he appears to be objecting to insults directed at anti-marriage folks but he manages to say the almost the opposite, that anti-marriagers shouldn’t be insulting people…
Can you elaborate?
There wasn’t a post at Politicker it was their “Daily Wake up Call” email, which is why billxi tried to link to his webmail account.
I was getting “page not found” earlier, but it’s back now.
The last request for a regularly scheduled condemnation was over a month ago. So we donned our judicial robes, we revved up the moral indignation, we restocked our supply of exclamation points, and we were all set to heap dump trucks full of condemnation on this new display of egregiousness.
p>But, no, a bad link.
p>I condemn that bad link, utterly and thoroughly.
I quote:
p> “Gay marriage debate roils, unites state morons.”
p>Did anyone else receive it? I understand it is not left winged, but I considered them to be fair and mostly unbiased. Until today.
I want to jeer and draw easy comparisons between your lack of comprehension and the state of the Massachusetts Republican party, but there’s this little voice inside me that keeps saying, “Maybe billxi’s serious.” So just in case:
p>If you read the article or even’s sco’s screenshot of it, it becomes pretty clear that this was a typographical error. The story is about Mormons, not Morons. One clue is the atypical capitalization of the word Morons in the post. Normally, only words at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns (such as names) are capitalized in English. Another clue is that the word “Mormons” or variants thereof are used four times in one paragraph. The last clue is that the link referenced (http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2008/11/24/gay_marriage_debate_roils_unites_mormons/) includes the word “mormons,” not “morons” and if you follow it to the Globe article, the word in the title is clearly Mormons.
p>I hope this clears up any misunderstanding.
…the typed equivalent of a Freudian slip was amusing:)
Oops. Sorry.
I a rush to see what they had posted and a quickread I got the message that the MORMONS were MORONS. This would fit when I think of Mitt Romney and his business model approach to State Government and the quality of the campaign he ran for the Republican Nomination. But here again it was a quick read.
p>KBusch here you can have some of my
p>I needed some thing to put them in and since you have a truck! good Post
p>As Usual just my Opinions
have you ever heard of the word typo?
p>Fox News has them every day. You don’t see me complaining.
p>Take it as unintentional hilarity.
p>If you’re Mormon and taking this extra attention over these past few weeks hard… that church heaped it on themselves. No one ever said Free Speech didn’t come without consequence. The Mormons started this fight. Gays, lesbians and our tens of millions of allies all across this nation are ready to finish it.
Gay Marriage DebateTypo roils, unites state Morons.<
p>There. All better.
p>BTW, it’s been well over 24 hours, you can fix your link that points to your e-mail provider now. Assuming you want to look less Mor(m)onic.