Globe columnist Scot Lehigh made sure today that Sal DiMasi will be re-elected Speaker in January without a whisper of dissent.
The same guy that wanted DiMasi to resign last week gave the final word that pro-casino-speaker-to-be-Bobby Deleo won’t be running the place soon.
Which means he may never be running the place at all.
Which means the Globe editorial side didn’t follow orders by killing anything that stands in the way of casinos.
Which means there won’t be ground breakings this spring for the gambling/entertainment dens waiting to pop up around the state.
Which means the NYT share holders won’t be getting the big dividends they so richly deserve.
Like in the movies, the lowly worker just told the Board of Directors to go fuck themselves.
And there is nothing they can do about it.
BTW. Doesn’t Sal have to whack Johnny Rogers now? The cape house is more than enough reason and members should be calling for it.
But if he does, who is next majority leader?
Ernie for Majority Leader! Just think what you can do for your district!
Now my bet would be on Lida Harkins if I were a gambling man. But I don’t support gaming as a solution to society’s ills.
p>Bob DeLeo (D-Wonderland) seemed better than Rogers (D-the Cape Cod house). However, chosing between two bad options is a false choice.
p>Sal sees the writing on the wall with Diane going down and Cosnos and all. I say Lida Harkins gets in and puts together a power coalition.
p>P. S. Ernie Boch III it is good to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor. I would have thought that you would be all laughed out by Wilkerson. However, it is good to see you have staying power!
p>I am confident that there are more secrets to be revealed from under the golden dome on Beacon Hill. It’s to bad that the affidavits refer to only X, Y, and Z. Why leave so many out.
p> It is unfair to make us guess. We all know that the conga line at the State House is long.