In the wake of Nomad943’s unfortunate anti-Semitic comment, Nomad wrote a post on RMG crowing about the ban that our wise editors imposed on him here. I wandered onto RMG, perhaps foolishly, to rebuke him. Nomad’s comments weren’t the kind of anti-Israeli comments that lead to long, usually fruitless discussion of how to distinguish legitimate criticism of Israel or even Zionism from anti-Semitism. Instead, his comments were good-old-fashioned Protocols of the Elders of Zion stuff: Jews run the media to manipulate American policy, for the benefit, of course, of the Jews, etc., etc.
I won’t re-hash the RMG thread here, though I encourage folks to read it. What I found shocking was that no one from RMG took Nomad to task. What’s happened to the Right? Is the right in Massachusetts really a home for the Know-Nothings, the conspiracy theorists, and other riff-raff?
Maybe this is not a surprise to those of you to my left, and our anti-bigotry brigade will no doubt point out that both the right and the left have been home to plenty of folks opposed, for example, to the right of gays and lesbians to marry. It’s also fair to point out that there are folks on the far left who hold similar views, as I’ve noted before. But I just was bowled over by the sheer brazenness of the discussion at RMG.
How can we save the Massachusetts right-wingers from themselves?
…but you can call them on it, but many are unabashed haters and there is little you can do about it.
the norm* at rmg seems to be that if they have the notion that you’re “librul”, they’ll attack you in the most vile bigoted way even if they actually think you raise a valid point. you should read the pleasantries ken pittman passes along to me. i have yet to see the editors repudiate any of the trash heaped up over there. at best, one of them stays on the sidelines. the others fan the flames.
p>*there are occasional notable exceptions, of course.
There is a poster called Festus Garvey that called him to task on the other board.
is our FrankSkeffington.
Well, that teaches me to waste time on that awful site. Lesson learned.
about that RMG thread is that it’s built on a completely false premise. Nomad says I banned him “for pointing out that the ownership of the overwhelming majority of media outlets are Jewish.” In terms of the raw numbers on the boards of directors of major media outlets (and banks, while we’re at it), nomad’s claim may or may not be true; I don’t know, and I don’t care. It’s certainly not why I banned him. I banned him because what his comment actually said was that the Big Three auto companies would be in a lot better shape if they, too, had boards controlled by Jews, presumably because then the Jew-controlled banks and media would be much nicer to them, perhaps by sending them large sums of money and writing nice stories about them instead of trying to destroy them by downrating their credit and committing other acts of nefarious Jewishness.
p>Now, I don’t know whether nomad understands what really happened but is now embarrassed to admit it (even at RMG), or whether he genuinely believes what he says. I doubt, however, that many of the RMGers bothered to come over here and read the actual exchange (especially since nomad’s RMG post didn’t even link to it) — most likely, they accepted nomad’s version and are enjoying bashing us for censorship. Whatevs. They’re always welcome to come over here for a dose of reality, on this matter or any other.
David, I think you’re letting him off the hook too easy. In your experience, what motivates concern about the supposed Jewish control of the media, or the banks, or whatever? I mean, why ask the question if you’re not concerned about the ZOG and the Rothschilds and the rest of it?
But my point is that nomad’s being dishonest about what he actually said — which was far more offensive than just making a factual claim about the religious heritage of people sitting on the boards of certain corporations. I mean, anyone can go count up numbers on boards — that’s a factual matter, and I certainly wouldn’t ban someone for posting about facts, especially if they were accurate, regardless of his secret motivation for doing so. But nomad’s position, especially as subsequently elucidated following my invitation to him to do so, is (as you correctly pointed out in your post) good old fashioned Jew hating.
Elderly Jews still understandably feel offended when people buy BMW’s and VW’s, and maybe Fords as well. And that translates to people who have elderly Jewish grandparents who don’t want to offend them by showing up in a new BMW or Ford. So it’s not hard to believe that Henry Ford’s beliefs could affect a Jewish person’s attitude to bailing out American car companies, at least Ford in particular. But it’s hard to believe that it would result in any members of the media and finance industry sticking it to car companies 70 years later.
Ford issued a very public personal apology in 1927 and started extensive outreach at the same time.
p>If elderly Jews are offended by Fords, someone forgot to tell my family.
read ME. Prefer to not engage and not fan the flames. I’ve stayed on the sidelines. I don’t have the authority to take down posts that Patrick has.
p>The first post by Electric Strawberry was basically calling him out on it though. And echoed David’s when do you build the ovens line. It was Electric Strawberry’s way of calling him a loon.
Is he part of “The Right”, as this post refers to RMGers? I don’t think so. He’s anti-religion, and he’s a eugenicist (like Hitler and Ford and Sanger), which are leftist positions.
He thinks Ronald Reagan was a socialists…and I ain’t kidding.
…adult followers of Ayn Rand.
ES calling you out on your homophobia does not make him a “eugenicist.” It doesn’t even make him pro-gay marriage.
enhancing and improving the human genome using genetic engineering, and opposes a law that would allow only reproduction using the unmodified sperm of a man and an egg of a woman. That makes him a eugenicist. I’m not even sure he’s against gay marriage, he just likes to argue with everyone. And I’m not homophobic, I am pushing for equal protections with Civil Unions and the right for people to live as they wish and am not uncomfortable around or scared of gay people.
Lets get all the crazy into one thread. Where’s lathorsman? Shouldn’t I be picking my way through a heap of nuclear fallout and radioactive slag right now?
you’re excellent at it, perhaps the most worthless hole of useless nothing there never was.
I wish I was oblivious like most people, or as cavalier, or careless, but no, I’ve never wished I was worthless.
When your obsession with a non-existent process leads you to drive every discussion around to denying rights to a specific group and only that group, yes it does appear that you’re prejudiced against that group.
p>Furthermore, when said obsession leads you to associate with hate groups, celebrate Scott Brown’s win as a referendum on gay marriage, and list one of Sarah Palin’s strengths as her heterosexuality, yeah, I’m going to call you a homophobe. ES is right on target with his criticisms.
…it is amazing that people can read the same comment and interpet it completely different. My interpetation of ES’s comment was…liberals are anti-semitic also. Hardly a portrait in courage on the part of ES.
p>As for you…”prefer to not engage and not fan the flames…stayed on the sidelines”. Wow, you are a coward. Do you always stay on the sidelines when rants of the Jes control the media…the auto inductry should put jews on their boards so the jew bankers will bail them out. You just sit on your hands when things like that are said?
p>Of course, when it come to spewing crap about how “illegal immigrants” are ruining the country, which sends the knuckledragers crazy, YOU are among the first in line at RMG (granted Pittman and a few others have you beat in that department).
p>Speak up Eabo for what is right and don’t stay on the sidelines. No one woould ever say you don’t shy away from speaking your mind…but when it comes to condeming anti-semitism, apparetly that is true.
I’m not sure it is fair to require commenters on blogs to condemn things on cue. I bop conservatives regularly for demanding condemnations of liberals.
p>After all, one keeps traffic moving by not slowing down to look at the accident in the shoulder of the road.
p>RMG’s commenting has been rather slow as of late. As I write this, BMG has 23 users online and RMG 10 — and one of them is a liberal troll.
that condemnations on cue are generally not fair. however, when there is rarely-to-never uttered a condemnation of the bilge in any post at any time, then i think one has some room to say tsk. And here on cue we have veteran flame-thrower EaBo professing to “not engage and not fan the flames”. yes, tsk is quite appropriate.
You’re probably right.
p>However, as I often point out on individual comments, Eabo Clipper seems to regard BMG as a Laboratory for the Perfection of Sound Bites. Consistency, truth, and fairness are applied only as necessary to polish said sound-bites. For example, difficulty of refutation is almost as good as truth.
Now you’ve gone and nailed him. I can only imagine the tone and texture of his wrath. Oy.
Eabo Clipper tends to be a good sport.
… to hear the silence when you bring up the specific points about the manner of his BMG posting.
1/4 that of BMG on any given day. which I would expect. Our user generated (i.e. not me) posts are up as well per day.
spent much time lately on rmg, so your page hits will be down considerably for november. sorry, but unless i get your payment on time, i can’t provide the services you request. how many times do we have to have this conversation?
I’m always the chump that doesn’t get paid…
Laurel is on the same track as the Robo Republicans who diligently posted rafts of pro-McCain effluvia on dozens of blogs daily during the campaign. She was hoping to rack up enough points to score the electric nose hair clippers–desirable but nearly unattainable at 50,000 Repub points–to give to her ex-Marine mailman, but, alas, she ran out of time. She hoping to bank some of her mojo for a future election. She’s even optimistic that she’ll have enough left over points to score herself the Sunbeam Corn and Bunion Buffer in Palin Pink.