I hate to post twice in a day, but I keep seeing this on the news and I’m dying to know how if anyone actually cares or if this kind of reporting is why the news is going bankrupt.
That said, to the poll!
(full disclosure, I’m voting no. Couldn’t care less.)
Please share widely!
I don’t care about him smoking because he’s Obama, but I do care that people smoke. Proven carcinogen, etc. He’s got 2 kids to raise and a wife who I’m sure wants him to grow old with her. He can’t be puffing carcinogens into their air, endangering their health as much as his own. This is why I care about his smoking like I care about anyone’s smoking.
p>I do see a value in the news covering his battle with quitting smoking, since it might encourage others to give up (or keep giving up) too. And, he’s a roll model now. Best to talk about his efforts to give up the cancer stick than to just show him sucking on one with no comment.
If he can manage to quit smoking despite the stress of leading the free world, what excuses are left to other people?
I had heard that Michelle basically made him quit as a condition of her agreeing to his running for President.
so long as he doesn’t inhale
As someone who smoked 2-3 packs a day for 55 years I can tell you that finally get unhooked was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I am sure that he has tried, and he knows full well that he owes it to his wife and kids. The fact that he is active physically (basketball) is a plus because the more one exercises the less “down” time there is to smoke.
It would be kind of comical to picture the President standing out by the front door of the White House smoking butts in 20 degree weather with all the other smokers.
Trans fats are bad, let’s outlaw them. Smoking is evil, let’s outlaw it in public. Words are hurtful, let’s outlaw saying Merry Christmas in schools since it may make some people “feel bad”. BO smokes… oh who cares, maybe he needs the stress relief! Why don’t all the do-gooders just go do something good for themselves and mind their own business. Let the guy smoke if he wants to smoke… isn’t this America?
If he was a Republican?
I think the state of Massachusetts should BAN the sale of cigarettes. But then how do you replace the $140 million in tax revenue? If Question 1 had passed, we would have pandemonium. Oh, we have it. How come?
Stop smoking programs which if successful will drop smoking tax revenue and we will do what??? Save energy by driving slower, using more hygrid but what will happen when the gas taxes drop from reduced gas usage??? Take public transportation to be mroe green but what will happen to the Pike tolls if the ridership on the pike goes down??? Economy slowing down MA Lottery sales, you guessed it that will reduce local aid! How about having comprehensive programs to encourage activities which help everyone in the state instead of creating conflicts. It’s like the farce of the Utility companies helping us save energy while hey are the business of selling energy… huh???
I don’t disapprove, but answered “yes” because it’s interesting and I think it means something. Does “I care that my friend’s girlfriend is pregnant” mean I wish she wasn’t, or just that I think it is significant information that I am glad to know?