History is what you think of when you think of the city of Boston. Yet the history of city hall departments needs to be made more accessible to those of us with strong interests in municipal governmental history. Routinely public access is deflected or blocked for public meetings and to public records regardless of what officials claim about transparency. A Mayoral Directive and a Boston City Council Order are needed for the more routine transmittal of public city documents to our Government Documents Department http://bpl.org/research/govdoc… of Boston Public Library. In addition to the city http://www.cityofboston.gov/ar… archives http://www.orgsites.com/ma/bos… city departments keep their own archives but deflect interest when approached. City Hall needs to open up to the people with interests in governmental history. Even the City Council offices and the City Clerk enunciate principles of openness and transparency but don’t put into practice the principles enunciated. For example, the City Council library http://www.cityofboston.gov/ci… isn’t available to you, you’re deflected when you ask about the Council’s library. Maybe a panel, task force, committee or commission would get officials to recognize that in spite of their good intent openness and transparency isn’t happening in practice.
A Mayoral Directive and Boston City Council Order for routine transmittal of city public documents.
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