Most people chat on Facebook about what their weekend plans are or the latest gossip they've gleaned from their stories feed. But a Beacon Hill Insider and I spent the morning talking about the resurgence of James Aloisi.
In the context of Saved by the Bell, naturally.
AmyDerjue: Aloisi: WTF
BHI: Yeah… I’ve had a few fun arguments about this with my insider friends.
AD: I… Deval. Dude. What are you DOING?!
BHI: Who does he have left for a base?
AD: And then Sal DiMasi is going to get indicted by a grand jury and he won't be around to play devil's advocate.
AD: I don't know who Patrick has. I don't know how he could have possibly thought this was a good idea. People hear “Big Dig insider” and freak out.
BHI: Throw in in “Big Dig insider involved in cost overun coverup.”
BHI: I ran into a buddy of mine who is working for a bigtime party insider, and even he said WTF.
AD: I think the only people who think this is a good idea are Patrick and Aloisi.
BHI: And about 100 legislators, lobbyists and other insiders. Most of the Legislature LOVES this idea.
AD: Really? Huh.
BHI: He's super-popular amongst legislators. He's like the Zack Morris of insiders.
AD: And Zack Morris was a punkass.
BHI: OK, maybe Charlie Flaherty is Zack. Aloisi is more like Jesse Spano.
AD: A raging hag?
BHI: I need to work on my analogies. He's cool and liked because he's so knowledgable. And because he loves writing campaign checks.
AD: Gotcha. Wouldn't that be more Lisa Turtle? Wasn't she loaded and cool?
BHI: Maybe.