It is amazing, but maybe not, what Massachusetts voters will tolerate from elected officials!/!
Bribes? Loans? Sweetheart deals? Meals? Travel? Lodging? Losing golf bets?
The Boston Globe runs us through the denials:…
Do we buy it?
Cognos, Ace Ticket, and the list goes on.
What would Sal do?
He has pushed the envelope of what is acceptable.
Sal for speaker!
Please share widely!
From what I can gather it’s a big deal, but one only being reported in the Boston newspapers. The Lowell Sun hasn’t covered it and neither has Boston TV (at least channel 5).
So it’s just speculation.
If you connect the dots here, it doesn’t add up to something good.
If I buy it that DiMasi is on the hook – as to the fall of that Vitale guy, well … it may turn out to be a case of “with friends like that, who needs enemies?” Myself, I will watch what happens in terms of governance by DiMasi as Speaker and leave it to the Hounds to sniff out who violated boundaries that matter legally.
is that you can fill them in to see whatever you want. Right now, the evidence doesn’t suggest any illegal wrongdoing on DiMasi’s part. It doesn’t even really suggest anything unethical, at least beyond standards the populace normally tolerates.
p>This is largely a Globe-fueled story, with not much to it, spreading gossip of guilt by association (Vitale) and blaming Speaker DiMasi for a decision that the Patrick administration was ultimately responsible for (Cognos). The day may come where that changes, if we learn more, but until then not only do I think DiMasi is innocent until proven guilty… but I think he’s doing a pretty damn good job, under the circumstances.
I’m still waiting for any news that stains him that isn’t driven by the Globe…then I’ll take it seriously. much would the Globe make in ad dollars from big casinos, hm?
p>. . . it doesn’t look to good on Sal.
p>No smoking gun and he will probably be re-elected as speaker. However, between now and January 7 there is time for another shoe to drop.
p>Obviously, to be continued.
This is a very serious allegation that may have some merit, but seems to deserve a longer post and a lot more dialogue. BTW, the Herald has printed some non-flattering front-pagers about DiMasi as well.
I think it’s much simpler than that. I think we have a basic cycle of journalistic endeavor here:
p>1. Find powerful, but not TOO powerful interest and start digging up dirt.
2. Mate dirt with outraged editorials
3. When subject reacts, attack reaction as coverup
4. Hope that subject retires/is prosecuted/lashes out, etc.
5. Cover disgrace of subject. Claim credit for it.
6. Win award for investigative journalism.
p>Most newspapers have their yearly bête noires who are hoped-for vehicles for journalistic fame.
The person in the Executive branch who decided in favor of the Cognos “bidding process” was a Romney appointee, Bethann Pepoli. It was the Patrick people who replaced her that smelled something fishy and called the Inspector General.
not just an executive decision by the governor’s office- as discussed in this post as soon as Ernie Boch III gets involved