Last week we had McGeorge Bundy’s sister and Jim Morrison’s father checking out. Good reading.
And lets not forget the signature Globe obituary. Someone like this:
A lawyer from Manchester-By-The-Sea. A product of Andover, Harvard, and Harvard Law. His grandfather owned the factory that made the spools that went on the machines in the Lowell and Lawrence mills. An original member of Wild Bill Donovan’s OSS he settled down as a tax attorney with Hale and Dorr.
His son, of Rye New York, remembers him as an avid sailor a loving father. Services are private.
Dan Pokaski is getting screwed. He was a pawn in this bitch’s abuse of power. The Licensing Commission does good work and the lawyers that get the best results get them because they make sure their clients do everything right before they go before the Board. Nothing nefarious going on there.
Sal DiMasi will get reelected as Speaker. Vitales indictment was a lay-up for Martha Coakly, although there maybe some merit to Vitale’s lawyer’s defense that he did not work more that 50 hours as a lobbyist.
Unless Vitale flips and tells something we do not know I don’t see Sal or Petro getting indicted.
But Sal looks foolish denying to the Globe ages ago that he ever discussed the ticket legislation with Vitale.
But that is a political problem. Not a legal one.
Speaking of state house. Why did Howie ‘contracts don’t apply to me’ Carr refer to Bob DeLeo in his column the other day as “Honest Bob Deleo”?
And speaking of Martha. She made an A-1 lawyer politician mistake when she argued a case before the U.S. Supreme Court. Never do the appellate oral argument unless you wrote the brief. Martha didn’t write it. And rather than be a good AG and let the assistant AG who actually knows the subject better than anyone in the office have a HUGE opportunity, Martha grandstanded and it showed. She was not fully prepared on the facts and some of the justices lost patience with her.
Ego got in the way and the good people of the Commonwealth didn’t get their monies worth.
Kudos to Bruins owner/shot caller Charlie Jacobs.
The Bruins are Back! I made my feelings known about the Bs and the very real effect they had on out fair city over two years ago.
But hooray for Charley Jacobs. Why? I’ll tell you why. Bruins fans haven’t had to pay the small price that Celtics, Patriots, and Red Sox fans have to. That being the constant barrage of ownership reminding us that they matter. The only exception is Bob Epstein. The real owner of the Celtics.
Give it up Michael Flaherty. You are not going to beat the Mayor. But you can easily beat (that doesn’t mean without the 24/7 hard work) Dan Conley.
Cut the crap and get to it.
For crissake. Just add $00.15 on the gas tax and get to work. Take the tolls down. Get the Big Dig bonds and financial secure, get the MBTA a little help and most importantly get a long term infrastructure improvement project going.
Jobs, Fiscal policy, improve the condition of this house we call Massachusetts. Dedicated tax revenue will not get an assault from the voters as some weak kneed politicians suggest.
These are the people that voted overwhelmingly not to nix state revenue tax.
Biggest Loser: Best inspirational show evah
I thought Flaherty was running so that Yoon couldn’t gobble up all the “challenger” exposure for himself.
Ernie, I appreciate a lot of what you have to say in here, but I can’t agree with your thoughts on Dan Pokaski. He coughed up the license at the heart of the Diane Wilkerson scandal because, in part, she was holding up a Senate bill that would increase his salary $25,000. Though it may have been legal, I don’t think the line between what Senator Wilkerson and Dan Pokaski did is quite as clear as you’d like it to be.
You forgot to add the dashing, but not really, anecdote: “He was a frequent fixture at vintage automobile shows, where he had a particular interest in “retired” racing cars that had become collectibles.”
“He served on the Beverly Hospital Board of Overseers for 27 years, chairing the body from 1979-1986.”
. . . the ghost of Billy Bulger still must walk the halls at the State House. No one here ever bights on anything that crosses Bulger.
p>The golden dome crowd must still fear him. See even Jim Aloisi can be a secretary.
p>Was McKinnon before or after Driscoll at the Pike?
p>Aloisi should be fun for some laughs. Howie Carr will have plenty of material!
p>typo: . . . Glad You’re Back . . .
I have no idea. Thanks peabody.
p>I was thinking McKinnon but Driscoll popped out. Shame on me.