I had the privilege and the pleasure of witnessing my first-ever Electoral College ritual. Our very own Elector, The Honorable Corinne Wingard (with whom I had served as co-coordinator for the Obama campaign in Western Mass), invited a group of fellow activists to be present at the ceremony, and then to go out to dinner at a nearby restaurant.
I have posted a few comments and pictures on my blog, for those of you who want a peek at what went on inside the Chamber (and at some {mostly} Western Mass revelers!).
Please share widely!
As I labor on a sad case, in the child welfare area, working alone as I almost always do – it was tremendously uplifting to remember that good things happen – and to see people like you, Corinne, and Kate – and others – in a truly happy moment. You truly made my day.
… for a joyous holiday season and a Hopeful New Year!