The second purpose is to take the initiative to explain my own thoughts since simply reacting in the form of comments seems to have created a distorted view of where I stand and how strongly I believe in this. I’ve never been someone to be out front and vocal about anything. It’s just not me, so it shouldn’t be taken personally by those passionate about this issue. I did contact my Rep. and Senator prior to the Constitutional Convention where this might have been put on the ballot, though I’m not sure what good it did; my Senator was already with us and my Rep. was a lost cause. So let’s run down where I stand:
Marriage – I believe this can and should be defined as an exclusive relationship between ANY TWO consenting adults. Same-sex couples should have EVERY right afforded to straight married couples, and yes, my strong preference is to actually call it “marriage”. I believe that state laws and amendments defining marriage as one man and one woman violate the Equal Protection clause. I believe that the federal DOMA violates Equal Protection as well as Full Faith and Credit. I also supported the repeal of the 1913 law regarding the validity of marriages in the state of one’s residence.
Military – The sooner Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is repealed the happier I will be. As Barry Goldwater once said you shouldn’t have to BE straight, you should only have to SHOOT straight. I also think President Clinton botched this big time in 1993. He should have just given the order like Truman did when he racially integrated the armed forces. The President is after all, Commander-in-Chief and shouldn’t have to even go through Congress for something like this.
ENDA – Is this really not law yet? Sounds like one of the biggest no-brainers to me.
Sin – Some of us Christians actually know how to pull our noses out of the Bible long enough to look around and realize it is the year AD 2008. There are supposedly eight verses in the Bible condemning homosexuality, but at least in Leviticus it’s in the same section as condemning the mixing of different threads in the same garment. I’m sure we would prefer to have our virgin daughters violated as Lot offered in Sodom as well! I’m not going to judge our ancient ancestors for not knowing what we know now, but some provisions of a 2000-3000 year old document are certainly worth ignoring.
There is no excuse whatsoever as far as I’m concerned for any person to not be treated equally under the law. Certainly one’s civil rights have no business being put to a public vote. Unfortunately, it has been proven by these votes that a majority of voters in every state in which it has been tried are willing to block civil rights.
I would think that given this any ally would be appreciated. Instead, so often when I comment on these issues I get called insulting, offensive, and/or get low-rated so I’m writing this diary in part to vent my frustration. In order for your outrage to have an impact I suggest saving it for the Fred Phelps and Pat Robertsons of the world. If I ask a question please answer it rather than taking umbridge. We really do want the same things and I am confident we will get there, but sniping at each other won’t help.
about “any two consenting adults?” Do you think siblings should be allowed to marry each other? Shouldn’t they each have to find someone else to marry, with whom they could ethically conceive children together? How about a father and his 18 year old daughter?
Two consenting adults outside the prohibited degrees of consanguinuity. Of course, that hasn’t been consistent either.
“Another step on a slippery slope….1st cousins marriage.”
scare tacticscary music.but something you said helps me boil down what I think our differences are. You said
The problem is that you do make excuses for not pursuing equality under the law on a timescale that is sensible to those of us living without that equality. “Later will be a better time”, and “other issues are more important” are the most common excuses. Do you personally recognize either of those excuses?
p>I’m going to continue with a series of posts that illustrate why the excuses are not acceptable. Stay tuned…
I take your point on the timing issue, though I’m not sure I would say later would be better. In fact, the sooner we get where we want to be certainly the happier I’ll be. I’m sorry if some of my comments acknowledging that these things take time were construed as approving that fact; that was not the intent.
p>Thank you also for posting the stories on this thread. It’s important to shine a spotlight on these obviously inexcusable acts of violence and other instances of discrimination, etc. I suspect many people (myself included, frankly) don’t realize how common these are. I don’t agree with the rulings you cite and certainly don’t condone the violence. Hopefully, the personal stories can be used to get people to see each other as neightbors.
The NYT says:
“Entitlement to act out their prejudice”. Do you suppose that’s because national leaders and those elevated by them spew anti-LGBT hate?
Margaret‘s story.
Waymon has this to say:
QScribe writes:
were relayed in just the past few days. Except for the NYT story, all the others were unprompted personal outpourings from readers at Pam’s House Blend. In my several years of reading her blog and in a lifetime of being gay and reading widely, I have never seen the high level of personal testimonials that are happening now as reflected on that blog. We are undergoing a sea change. Clever people will recognize this and recalculate their priorities.
From Leonard Link:
Note that gays are now forbidden via state constitutional amendment to adopt or be foster parents in 3-4 states and by lesser laws in countless other polities. Map of adoption laws. Map of second-parent adoption laws. Map of foster care laws.