Flynt probably figures that it is payback time; he has always been so supportive of the democrats. Before you attack me personally for saying this, look up his biography and more on wikipedia. To give them their due, however, feminists have never been his fans.
If you had, you’d know why anti-war folks think that way. His “What is obscenity?” speech in that film says it all – paraphrasing from memory:
What is obscenity? Think about this – murder is illegal, but if I take a picture of a murder being committed, I might win the Pulitzer Prize. Sex is legal – but if I take a picture of two people having sex, I might go to jail!
p>In the film, he’s standing in front of a movie screen where images of death and destruction from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam are being displayed, and he says lots more on the subject. It’s powerful, and tough to argue.
p>And what does it matter if he’s a “darling of the anti-war left”? Unless you think Democrats are going to scramble to give him his bailout – I would hope that my elected representatives are smarter than that…
Sorry, but I still can’t understand how you anti-war folks think that way. It must be because I thank God that we beat the German fascists and Japanese imperialists in World War II to save Western Civilization, and we did what was necessary to bring down the evil empire. (though, of course, many of you lefties didn’t consider it to be an evil empire, not having had the pleasure of living in Magadan work camps). If I were you I would be embarrassed to have Larry Flynt’s support on any topic.
…and he lost his brother, my uncle, in WWII. You don’t have to lecture me about WWII, ok? As to “lefties”, I’d remind you that FDR and the Democrats started lend-lease while Republicans favored isolationism and staying out of that “European fight”.
p>And here’s that clip I was talking about:
I am a registered democrat, so please do not lecture me about FDR.
As for the tape, I can show you pictures of abject poverty in third world countries, or slavery in near Eastern countries, or torture in Soviet work camps; then I can contrast them with almost any other folly to make that folly look harmless in comparison.
I’m suggesting the same thing Larry Flynt suggests – that a society concerned with obscenity should reassess what obscenity really is.
You start in on the ‘anti-war left’ and then hold up WWII as a contrasting viewpoint of justified war.
p>You leave as an unstated assumption that the ‘anti-war left’ is against WWII efforts against the axis powers and therefore the ‘anti-war left’ is misguided.
p>Premise 1: WWII was a justified and reasonable war for the US to take part in.
Premise 2: The ‘anti-war left’ is against war.
Premise 2a (unstated but assumed straw man): The ‘anti-war left’ is against WWII
Conclusion: The ‘anti-war left’ is unreasonable in it’s stance on (against) war.
p>Classic straw man.
Okay, I’ll bite.
p>I can’t imagine it because porn ranks way below whiskers on kittens and warm woolen mittens on my scale of favorite things, but — the black and grey market economies tend to be much larger than people imagine. Presumably a drop in demand for cars will parallel a drop in demand for DVDs gone wild and for little plastic bags of herbal mellowness. Maybe the economics of it is such that it’s useful to keep everything humming.
p>Doubt it, but maybe. Anyone know more about the relative size of icky industries in the economy?
Now, if you don’t mind, I’ll return to my dinner of schnitzel with noodles followed by crisp apple strudel.
Flynt probably figures that it is payback time; he has always been so supportive of the democrats. Before you attack me personally for saying this, look up his biography and more on wikipedia. To give them their due, however, feminists have never been his fans.
If you had, you’d know why anti-war folks think that way. His “What is obscenity?” speech in that film says it all – paraphrasing from memory:
p>In the film, he’s standing in front of a movie screen where images of death and destruction from WWII, Korea, and Vietnam are being displayed, and he says lots more on the subject. It’s powerful, and tough to argue.
p>And what does it matter if he’s a “darling of the anti-war left”? Unless you think Democrats are going to scramble to give him his bailout – I would hope that my elected representatives are smarter than that…
Sorry, but I still can’t understand how you anti-war folks think that way. It must be because I thank God that we beat the German fascists and Japanese imperialists in World War II to save Western Civilization, and we did what was necessary to bring down the evil empire. (though, of course, many of you lefties didn’t consider it to be an evil empire, not having had the pleasure of living in Magadan work camps). If I were you I would be embarrassed to have Larry Flynt’s support on any topic.
Was that war fought in self-defense?
…and he lost his brother, my uncle, in WWII. You don’t have to lecture me about WWII, ok? As to “lefties”, I’d remind you that FDR and the Democrats started lend-lease while Republicans favored isolationism and staying out of that “European fight”.
p>And here’s that clip I was talking about:
I am a registered democrat, so please do not lecture me about FDR.
As for the tape, I can show you pictures of abject poverty in third world countries, or slavery in near Eastern countries, or torture in Soviet work camps; then I can contrast them with almost any other folly to make that folly look harmless in comparison.
I’m suggesting the same thing Larry Flynt suggests – that a society concerned with obscenity should reassess what obscenity really is.
You start in on the ‘anti-war left’ and then hold up WWII as a contrasting viewpoint of justified war.
p>You leave as an unstated assumption that the ‘anti-war left’ is against WWII efforts against the axis powers and therefore the ‘anti-war left’ is misguided.
p>Premise 1: WWII was a justified and reasonable war for the US to take part in.
Premise 2: The ‘anti-war left’ is against war.
Premise 2a (unstated but assumed straw man): The ‘anti-war left’ is against WWII
Conclusion: The ‘anti-war left’ is unreasonable in it’s stance on (against) war.
p>Classic straw man.
Okay, I’ll bite.
p>I can’t imagine it because porn ranks way below whiskers on kittens and warm woolen mittens on my scale of favorite things, but — the black and grey market economies tend to be much larger than people imagine. Presumably a drop in demand for cars will parallel a drop in demand for DVDs gone wild and for little plastic bags of herbal mellowness. Maybe the economics of it is such that it’s useful to keep everything humming.
p>Doubt it, but maybe. Anyone know more about the relative size of icky industries in the economy?
Now, if you don’t mind, I’ll return to my dinner of schnitzel with noodles followed by crisp apple strudel.
This might just be a bad pun.