The more I think about it, the happier I am about Pete Seeger, accompanied by his grandson Tao and Bruce Springsteen, singing Woody Guthrie’s great anthem “This Land Is Your Land” at the end of yesterday’s concert. As I noted yesterday, they sang the whole song, including Guthrie’s uncomfortable 4th and 5th verses which are rarely heard these days. (I’ve seen the claim that Pete Seeger himself insisted on doing the whole thing. I believe it.)
“In the squares of the city, by the shadow of the steeple,
by the relief office I saw my people.
As they stood there hungry I stood there whistling
this land was made for you and me.
A great high wall there tried to stop me;
A great big sign there said ‘Private Property.’
But on the other side it didn’t say nothing.
That side was made for you and me.”
Here’s the video (those verses start at about 2:10). Three cheers for radical old folkies.
Pete Seeger is one of THE BEST, pure and simple. He exemplifies integrity and courage in the fight for justice and democracy. Excellent documentary shown not long ago on PBS and elsewhere: Pete Seeger: The Power of Song.
I don’t suppose the election of Barack Obama is the fulfillment of Pete Seeger’s long career as a political activist, but it certainly is a step forward. And Pete Seeger’s activism helped make it possible.
p>For someone like me, who has heard Seeger sing at many political events over the years, seeing him on the inaugural stage, and hearing those verses, was a very moving moment.
p>Let’s hope the future lives up to it!
I wonder if HBO complained…
For now, you may see the video here.
I had a feeling that might happen. The German is amusing. Who knew the German for “inauguration” was “Amtsantritt”?
based on the apparent similarity with dutch, “amt-” refers to civil servant (“ambtenaar” in dutch) and “-antritt” refers to appearance (as in arrival on the scene) (“aantreden” in dutch). a fine compound word.
So says my Dutch (& German-speaking) husband Hans.
The country could use a folk song revival. Seeger’s “Last Train for Nuremberg” could start it off.
Seeger was looking like he was having a ball. And he looked half his age running off stage at the end. Just an incredible moment. BTW, Tao Rodriguez-Seeger’s band, the Mammals, are worth checking out.