You may remember John Yoo, former Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Legal Counsel and author of the atrocious “torture memo.” Yoo was one of the cheerleaders for an expansive definition of presidential power, in particular, the notion that the president has an absolute “commander-in-chief” power that allows him to do as he pleases. Or as Frank Langella says: “When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.”
Well, the Democrats are in charge now, and surprise! Yoo has changed his mind about the limits of presidential power. He and John Bolton have just written an op-ed in the NYT insisting that the Senate reclaim its power to ratify or reject treaties, particularly those involving national security and foreign affairs!
What a hack! Why does Boalt Hall employ this guy?
Especially the last paragraph —
p>The NYT never should have agreed to publish such self-serving BS.
8 years of seeing george use and expand executive power would make me change my mind too!
Yoo time and time again said the President can do whatever he wants based on inherent war powers that are never even implied, let alone stated, by the Constiution. Bush crossed the line a long time ago and for Yoo to have this epiphany now just doesn’t pass the smell test.
Yoo just ask “Medium-rare or well-done, sir?”