The Lowell Sun credits an unnamed Statehouse with the news that DiMasi is set to resign “during the next couple of days.”
A Statehouse source called the departure “imminent” after a receiving a flurry of phone calls last night and early this morning from several of the speaker’s closest colleagues. While no one would confirm or deny the Speaker’s resignation, the source said he was alerted to “developments” under way.
A second source told The Sun that several legislators were girding for an ascension fight between Rep. Robert DeLeo, D-Winthrop, and Rep. John Rogers, D-Norwood.
“Phone calls are already being made to line up support (for a new speaker). There’s a different urgency than past rumors,” he said.
The same source said he was not “reassured” by DiMasi staffers when he questioned them about the talk spreading through Statehouse offices. “In the past, the rumors were cast aside pretty firmly. That’s not the case today.”
If this is accurate, I wonder why now? What’s about to come out that’s forcing DiMasi’s hand?
lynne says
Jinks, dude, you owe me a Coke. (With rum?)
p>Though you actually quoted it. I kinda rushed mine. đŸ™‚
eury13 says
The quote gave you the opening. Happy to provide the R&C.