Nice hatchet job by the Herald today on Mike Connolly for making a few calls and using the fax machine at city hall for some personal business.
The story is actually a good story of how Connolly tucked it up the Town of Wellesley’s ass and called their bluff. He also hit the neighbors with a SLAP suit. Nice touch Mike
He got what he wanted from the town. Good for him!
For crissake if it wasn’t for the Boston Globe Martha Coakley would have nothing to do. Today we see she’s going after Partners and Blue Cross. The only other press she gets is Vitale/DiMasi. A Globe masterpiece.
Barney Frank did nothing wrong by putting in a good word for OneUnited Bank. He had legitimate reasons consistent with his job as a local congressman.Reading beneath the Rupert Murdock WSJ headline one can see a good summary of why TARP has problems. The bizarre secret decision making with no oversight allowed Bushies one last shot at the cookie jar.
Phone lines were burning up in the state house yesterday. Bobby Deleo telling people it’s gonna happen soon; and Johnny Rogers telling people he is more alive than other.
Johnny. Listen to me buddy. It’s Over! You understand? You are dead. You have how many votes? 50? 60? 65? I doubt it. But no matter what you have, you don’t have the undecided.
You can’t win momentum. Regardless of how much rah rah rah cheerleading you have been doing the last few weeks not enough of the self-interested 159 members are buying it.
Johnny. You are a thief in my opinion. Ask the 50 or 60 votes you think you have if any of them would even consider doing what you did.
Don’t you get it Johnny? You should go away quietly.
But that’s one man’s opinion.
DeLeo needs things to happen fast but it looks like it will take longer. And when it does, will the final nail in Sal’s coffin bring stink upon Deleo and/or friends?
Vitale has a trial date this spring. Fast trial date. It probably will be delayed but that will be after motions with more juicy stuff.
Is Martha trying to get Vitale to flip?
Does he have anything to tell her?
His worse case scenario isn’t that bad.
And he may have a triable case. If we are debating 50 hours then Vitale should win.
BTW, contrary to popular opinion this speaker’s battle is not an Irish Italian thing. Sure Sal took care of his Italian friends when he got the job. I liked that a lot. And many hang out together. But it is more of a clique thing. The average Irish Catholic in the state house doesn’t even know he is Irish Catholic.
For God’s sake, has the guy not heard of cell phones? Why was he using his City Hall phone number? And that SLAPP suit sounds like a truly nasty piece of work. I’d love to know how that one turned out.
Old school guy. But I am sure he had them call there ocasionally to remind people of his influence. As I read through it I just didn’t see high crimes. i see minor violations.
p>The SLAPP suit was settled as part of the final deal with the town I imagine.
He may be the chairman of Financial Services, but he still has constituents, and he’d be doing them a disservice if he didn’t look out for them.
Or have you forgotten what the Keating scandal actually involved?
that’s a profoundly ahistorical comment. You know better, PP.
This is only marginally relevant to the issue, but since it arose over Connolly’s effort to build (horrors!) duplexes…
p>Zoning like Wellesley’s does more to create and sustain social division than any Boston school committee ever did.
p>Local control … the sanctification of the municipality as the organic level of government … progressives ought to be aware of how profoundly reactionary it all is.
p>Okay, rant over.