Hello. Barack? It’s me. Ernie.
Please Sir, I beg you. Bring back the soft hat.
You know. The one that Presidents, gangsters and everyone in between wore before that son-of-a-bitch Kennedy ruined it by going hatless during his long cold inaugural parade.
The men’s soft hat is exactly what this country needs right. Let everyone look cool. Share the wealth with us straight white guys.
This fashion slave is keeping his fingers crossed.
Why wouldn’t Deval give any specifics during his State of the State speech the other night? Because of that an otherwise good speech gets a C or C+.
But I got to tell you, on top of laughing I deducted points for telling us to recycle. That must have been for our very own stormv.
Even with Ray Flynn’s remarks I still don’t think this fire truck maintenance issue will result in a new mayor. The election is too soon and the issue will become muddy.
Sam Yoon is no Obama. At least Obama showed up to vote present. Yoon sucks.
Spring training is around the corner which means it won’t be long before Ernie breaks down the team’s front office strctly on race. Will there be improvements this year?
As you may recall, last year they had 2 African Americans out of 79 full time non-baseball employees. Both started working there years prior to Larry Luchino et al arriving. There were more African Americans yet fewer employees in the front office when they bought the team..
What frauds.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a weakening of the teachers’ unions under an Obama administration. Road blocks to educating poor people will be scrutinized with realistic eyes. There will be strong political good will to make changes.
People like Barack and Deval are more open to educational alternatives and competition.Tthe teachers’ unions are going to be seen as a hindrance by a growing number of people who have supported them in the past.
When does Obama get briefed on UFOs? That’s what i want to know.
And how do you calm those kids down after two years of everyday being Christmas and the Fourth of July rolled into one?
That’s why I like the mother-in-law being brought in. She’ll whip things into shape.
for reduce reuse and recycle. None in stomv please.
p>P.S. Towns pay about 1-2% of their budget on trash; half of that is on tipping fees [paying someone to take the trash and/or burning it]. So, by recycling you reduce the burden on your town’s budget; most towns could actually reduce their trash by about 25%, saving about 0.25% on their annual budget. It ain’t much, but it helps!
p>reduce reuse recycle, says sto_mv.
is that the waste is subsidized, in many communities, by tax-funded “free” curbside pickup.
p>In my town, we pay more to burn some of this trash than the households that generate it would chose to spend, if they paid directly rather than through taxes.
p>Sorry, this is just one of my stupid buttons.
p>I could not agree with you more. I was actually saying this same thing (not in so many words) to a friend the other day after watching some old episodes of Homicide: Life on the Streets. Two of the characters wear such hats. Personally, I love the look of them and think they’re really neat.