A guy that works for Ed Davis, the same Ed Davis recieving the letter about the investigation into his officers. How nice for Ed. How lousy for Merner.
Dan assigns a fox to investigate who stole the chickens.
Dan did not have the brains or balls or competency to assign the investigation of Boston Police officers to someone outside that department. That is in D.A. for Dummies. Chapter 1.
This is the same Dan Conley who refused to prosecute offenses committed by officers during the Snelgrove killing/Red Sox World Series Celebration. A real independent report was conducted by a commission headed by former U.S. Attorney Donald Stern. It reported evidence proving beyond a reasonable doubt that specific officers committed specific violent crimes against specific individual in front of several independent and known witnesses.
Dan said “forgettaboutit”.
Remember the cop who shot the fleeing stolen car a few years ago? The one driving away from the cop. The one with the teenagers in it. Including a girl in the back seat.
Remember? The cop shot at it even though the car at this point was not endangering anyone. He killed the girl sitting in the back seat. Bullet hit her right smack in the back of the head.
Danno did his best search and avoid on that one. No charges brought even though it is the definition of manslaughter. Cop or no cop.
It’s in D.A for Dummies.
And let’s not forget his great legal reasoning when telling us there was absolutely no negligence on anyone’s part when the Boston police office ran the red light on Broadway in Southie and killed a young woman. Dan told us in that one that the woman had the green light and the cop had the red. Police officers, even responding to an emergency, have to approach intersections with caution when going against the traffic lights.
Yet not even 1% negligence according to Danno.
That’s in “Introductory to Basic Law” offered at Bunker Hill Community College. D.A. for Dummies does not include it because it so basic.
Can’t wait to see the trial of the kid accused of killing the off-duty Revere cop on the football field one early morning.
But anyhoo, back to this pathetic letter.
Dan bags the case from the get go by assigning the investigation to BPD. (nothing against Merner)
Then he tells us this was purely a coincidence because the kid had a heart condition which required surgery when an infant. After the operation the kid went through seconds and minutes and hours and days and weeks and months and years and decades and..
all of a sudden…
when cops, who, thanks to their superiors and an inept mayor, are fired up as fired up can be he becomes a wise-ass.
At exactly that time, just when the officers were executing their duty in a lawful and orderly fashion consistent with their training the time bomb ticking inside this kid’s heart decided to go off. Causing an aneurism. Wow. Talk about bad luck for those poor cops.
Of course Dan didn’t say that there is just not enough evidence to get an indictment or a conviction or to isolate who did what.
Nope. he said this was a one in a billion coincidence.
Because of a D.A. who is a puppet of the cops, and an inept mayor our city’s law enforcement would be better if run by cavemen.
to cavemen
I got a complaint from this guy
Boston and other cities and towns base their hiring on family and political relationship. True that Mr. Conley is considered a stooge by many, but any attempt at cleaning up the police and breaking the bonds of patronage is a Herculean task and political suicide. Far beyond his ability. Anyone still waiting for the investigation of the Boom-Boom Room in Hyde Park?
p>Pubic safety is non-existent.
p>The immediate crisis in Boston safety is the collapse of security at downtown crossing. Boston’s mayor has stated that there is no cause for alarm about gang violence. He then mutters about gun control and the Commish echoes something back. This is the warning to ignore it.
p>History repeats itself. Back in the Flynn days a new mall, LaFayette Place, opened and was immediately the site of many muggings. After the first couple of incidents, the police just stopped reporting them. Cops wouldn’t go there. Too dangerous. Word got around to the local population and soon locals avoided the place. Only tourists were being mugged as the mall emptied. Look for the same for downtown.