Will the Vitale case turn into a trial about how many hours he actually worked as a lobbyist.
Less then 50 hours work as a lobbyist is a valid defense. Vitale’s lawyer is going to make them document everything.
Meeting reps at a private office is neither nefarious nor uncommon. How many meetings, e-mails, phone calls etc can be documented by martha to add up to 50 hours?
It seems that Martha Coakly is relying an awful lot on the fact that Vitale met with officials outside the state house. That’s called a red herring, Martha.
Goo Vitale.
This is for you, Central Mass Dad.
Did you see who Obama hired as his chief speech writer? A Harvard grad? No. A Yale grad? No. A Wellesly grad? No. A Boston College grad? Yeah, Right.
It is Jon Favreau, a 27 year old Jesuit trained Holy Cross grad from North Reading. It takes a Hoy Cross guy to make sense of what these dip shit Harvard people are trying to say.
Where are the BC people in the White House? Ha ha ha
It has to Stop! Two fingers in the eyes for the next person who says they or someone else is a “voracious reader” and a dope slap for the next person who has to tell us that “that the Germans have a word called schadenfreude…..”
The Boston Police are getting antzy. No Super Bowl last year and no possibility of one this year. The Red Sox didn’t get a ring either. Sure the BPD got their licks in. The Celtics came through and they got to deny any responsibility for the dead kid who died right after encountering some of Boston’s finest.
The rank and file are keeping their hopes up that the Bruins and Celts pull it off this spring. Then the brilliant brass can get them all fired to go out and kick some ass. It’s even easier knowing Dan “Search and Avoid” Conley is there to look the other way.
Speaking of cops. Instead of the bull crap of how important road details are why don’t they just present us with local cop, mid 30s, wife, kids, mortgage. Have the cop explain that when he joined the force he was told he could make a good living earning about $50,000 – $85,000 as a patrolman. He relied on these assurances and the those figures are not outrageous. You can’t take away details without finding another way for these guys to earn a decent living. Tale away the abuses and limit how much they can make.
Larry Rasky is the most powerful man in Boston right now. A good guy too.
I get the feeling that Deval “Why is This My Problem” Patrick still does not get the job of being governor. Why wasn’t he in Fitchburg etc. during that lengthy black out. He should have been at control center somewhere using all his powers and persuasions to get the equipment and forces required to help these people.
I still believe he is Mitt Romney in Obama clothing.
From the “Why Bother Department”. City Councillor Michael Ross’ love letter to BMGers today is lame.
A summit. Fantastic!
Council meetings away from City Hall. Ecxellent! perhaps outdoor meetings on nice days.
And wait, there’s more. Make all council documents available on line. Churchhillian!
And let’s not forget his person web site.
This guy is sooo ready to take on the toughest job there ever wasn’t.
p>Same for anyone who uses “crumbling” and “infrastructure” in a sentence.
… Is this an issue that has been over-stated? I think not.
Because the phrase has become trite, and a chiche, and arguably if not certainly literally, wrong.
… what you linked to wasn’t evidence. It’s not even conjecture. First of all, it’s only looking at highways. They point to “state and local capital investment” being “up in recent years.” They simultaneously point out that “…states seem to be continually adding capacity.”
p>They then (smartly) claim ignorance about the relationship of these factors toward any conclusion about spending adequacy: “How much spending on items such as highways and airports is the correct amount? I don’t know,…”. But then they tag yet another supposition to that phrase: “… and neither do politicians in Washington.”
You’re right- trying to disprove that claim will make for some high comedy. Is it too late for us to make those “ethics reform” suggestions?
That loophole is clearly a turkey.
I bet the poor lawyer wouldn’t be able to bill for more than two hours over the course of the whole trial. (Well, I guess he’d count all the time the court is in session, unless he’s visibly sleeping.)
$13,469.39 per hour. I wonder if Martha pulls out her calculator, raises an eyebrow, and asks the jury how much they earn per hour.
Torrisi is being profiled like a saint for saying he will vote “present” for seaker. Pretty lame where I coome from.
p>A profile in courage? What courage? It’s a punt!
Who would you vote for? (“For whom,” etc.)
I’ve said before whom I think a qualified state rep. would be. If I were in the House, I would nominate a person like that.
Must we continue to peddle the lie that Governor Patrick wasn’t involved during the ice storm?
p>This was debunked here weeks ago.
p>He was in Fitchburg on 12/12.
p>He “ordered other power companies to send additional resources and crews to Unitil.”
p>Not to mention that Tim Murray was in Fitchburg and surrounding towns as well.
there is a difference. he didn’t roll up his sleeves and get it done. He should have had hourly reports and constantly asking why not? what do we need/ Let me make calls to other governors, business, pols. or whoever. He never used any political leverage which waa what was called for. The governor has power. With big business as much as pols.
p>Disgraceful that that amount of time passed.
Torrisi’s seat is not a spring board. North Andover is gerrymandered into 2 Rep districts, and 2 senate districts. While I don’t know which Sen district he is in, he is unlikely to challenged fellow Dem Steve Baddour, while GOPer Bruce Tarr has a solid hold on his district. Furthermore, Torrisi hasn’t even had opposition since 2004.
p>Rep Torrisi does deserve our respect. Unlike the rank and file, Torrisi has a chairmanship to lose, and he still stood up and said he won’t support Dimasi. While I believe this will harm North Andover in influence, I greatly admire Torrisi for his courage, and his decision to hold our Speaker to a higher standard.
p>…if anything, I wonder if he is considering to retire.
and he runs a nice little shop here in town. Those go together very well.
Baerlein, however…
p>Just kidding. Rasky knows his stuff and will be rewarded handsomely for standing by Biden for over 20 years.