No police wrongdoing according to Dan Conley in death of wise ass student at the Cetic celebration last year.
Release the autopsy report Danno. Let’s read the report for ourselves. I’m curious as to the condition of the body. bruises? marks?
The public has a right to know.
Please share widely!
Will he have an opponent? Should he have an opponent? Will some of the ousted Reps in Suffolk County under DeLeo run against him? Will re-districting due to census of State Senate and House seats result in opposition for SJC Clerk, Criminal Clerk, Civil Clerk, Deeds, Probate…..will the same effect apply statewide due to careers being launched and crushed with power change in House? How many Senatora and other electeds worried that bored Reps will now turn their wrath on thhem and grab their more lucrative paying fiefdoms? How long can “backroom” Terry Murray,HSG survive in the Senate as its President, who’ll replace her…my money is on…..i’ll wait
It is a shame when we lose young people due to drinking and/or not following the rules.
p>How many will die the next time a Boston team wins a championship? Some people have no “pesonal responsibility” and don’t really care about the law. Maybe rather than attacking sugar the Gov may want to look at the daily log of deaths on the roads and streets of MA which are directly attributed to alcohol. I never have believed society cared about drunkenness or even drinking and driving.
p>The cries come out about “How can we stop the carnage…” How this for a starter, put a cop car outside every bar in the state on Friday or any other day of the week and follow people to their cars. Arrest the ones who are too drunk to drive. Otherwise, this insane Russian Roulette will continue and I am getting sick to my stomach reading the headlines from these jerks. Am I judgmental about these jerks, you bet your ass I am.
Arrest violent people only. Tone down the overwhelming show of force crap. Let some cops stay home to enjoy the game instead of having thousands of them in the Fenway making double overtime or whatever.
Really. I mean can you imagine the reaction from citizens and business owners (you know, the ones who’s windows were smashed, who’s cars were overturned and burned…) and God forbid any law abiding revelers get assaulted? Where were the Police when we needed them. This is a classic example of blaming the criminals. What a wuss society we have become. Overeating doesn’t make us fat, McDonalds does, drinking doesn’t make us drink it’s the liquor companies, I didn’t want to rob them but they had more money than me, I didn’t want to blow all that money but the mortgage company gave it to me and of course we didn’t want to riot but there were cops there so we rioted. Everything is always somebody else’s fault.