So the Washington Post and others report that VA Governor Tim Kaine will be the next party chairman. Alright, I mean, we could do worse.
But then there’s the troubling part:
Kaine plans to work at the party part-time until 2010, when his term as governor is up and he can take over the DNC full-time.
From Howard Dean to a part time chairman? Was nobody else available?
My first thought is that Obama could have done better on this one.
Please share widely!
ryepower12 says
I honestly don’t think it’s that big a deal that Kaine’s only going to be there part time for some time. It’s not as if someone won’t be picking up the slack. But, yeah, I do think we could have done better than Kaine.
p>I wish Obama kept Dean. Dean’s plans certainly helped this past election and, if we stick to the 50 state solution, will only serve to bring higher dividends as the years roll on. I only hope that the party continues to stick to those plans.
sabutai says
An anti-choice, anti-equality DNC chair who didn’t want the job until Obama fairly begged? The person holding that position can have a lot of impact if they know what they’re doing, but a less-than-halftime, dragged-into-the-job Chair ain’t it. While we can hope that as somebody elected partially thanks to the 50-state strategy, Kaine will keep that going, I’m worried that we’re re-entering the phase of the Beltway “expert” consultant.
ryepower12 says
Wasn’t really aware of his personal politics, other than to say that I know progressives were no great fan. But I didn’t know he was anti choice (figured he was squishy on equality, too). Less than mheh is probably accurate, now that you put it that way. I will be okay, as you say, so long as the 50 state solution is marching on.
laurel says
But Kaine used his homophobia as a feather in his campaign hat. And along with rabid homophobia comes, of course, the christianist mentality. This is NOT who we need for the DNC. Is Obama trying to drive centrists and the left from the party? Take note, Barry: the xtian taliban lost the presidential election. Why are you trying to become more like them?