I’ve posted a picture, some links, and an AP story that has gained national exposure (just do a web search to see all the places it has appeared) for our very own Elector, The Honorable Corinne Wingard.
btw, SENATOR GILLIBRAND! — a very nice ring to it. Her District borders on my town, so I know a bit more about her than most, I suppose, just by osmosis. She’s already being railed as too “centrist” but compared with the looney Republican she replaced, she’s been a breath of fresh air. We’ll see…
Please share widely!
There have been remarks about her not wanting the job anymore, then there was talk of her somehow caring for her Uncle Teddy and then the right is saying she had tax issues, nanny issues and a few other skeletons.
p>What is the truth? If the right is right đŸ™‚ … then maybe we need some oversight for all these people breaking our laws by not paying taxes and employing people illegally or not paying their taxes… We could ask Geitner to look into this but he may look like too big of a hypocrite. These rich people, with their nannies and high paid tax attorneys are breaking the laws and should pay (and I mean pay both figuratively and literally).
p>I have been saying for many many months that the our elected officials need to restore the people’s faith in them. This is hard to do when they are constantly being found guilty of breaking laws and rules to benefit themselves. Ted Stevens, William Jefferson, Diane Wilkerson, Sal DiMasi, Chuck Turner, Eliot Spitzer, Blogoavich are the easy ones but so many of these other smaller transgressions erode the faith that is needed for them to govern. When they tell us they need help (more taxes, tighten belts…) we need to believe them and do our job. But I am a skeptic and very rarely believe in these people and the daily stories about them getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar are not helping matters.