This was posted on EmptyWheel about the various union members pilots, flight attendants, Fire Fighters and the such that saved 155 lives yesterday:
They’re calling it a miracle–the successful landing of a US Airways jet in the Hudson and subsequent rescue of all 155 passengers. They’re detailing the heroism of all involved, starting with the pilot and including cabin crew, ferry crews, and first responders. What they’re not telling you is that just about every single one of these heros is a union member.
Damn those self-serving union members and their short-sighted leaders
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With their heroism? Are you saying that if they weren’t in a union, they wouldn’t have been able to land the plane in the river and save everyone?
The point I think is that contrary to the opinions of some, union members actually do care about doing their job well. These are consciencious people who are not just looking out for themselves.
Here’s a good example of where a pleasing concept like heroism gets in the way of an important point.
p>Unions, especially in the professions involved here, typically either oversee or are equal partners in safety standards and emergency preparedness training. When their industries run into trouble, and when the government is under an anti-regulatory regime, there can be pressure to cut corners, and they can be the only advocates who know enough to protect the public. Talk to people who work the formerly Amtrak commuter rail routes that are now contracted out.
p>The pilot himself, certainly heroic, may look like a rugged American individualist, but he was also the “air safety chairman” of his local and a leading champion of safety procedures.
I’m pretty sure the Unions caused the accident. Cause of accident: Multiple Bird Strikes
and the rescuers were union workers, then God must be a unionite. Since most organized/orthodox religions promulgate that their God is the right God, it is logical that unions would claim HER for their own as well.
p>How about fantastic! fabulous! response by all involved and leave the politics out so there is room for ample appreciation and awe.