THAT is what Massachusetts is getting in the $800 million federal stimulus package? This is the way the national democratic party rewards the true bluest of it’s blue states? This is the way Patrick is rewarded by his good buddy Obama? Is any other state getting screwed, I mean rewarded like this? Way to go dems!…
Please share widely!
2 billion out of 787 billion is .25%, not .0025%. Maybe this means under Patrick’s leadership we’re in less of a hole than the rest of the country!
It’s his Republican math. We’re reaping the rewards of their inability to “do the math” right now on a rather grand scale. They’re not very good with money.
Billxi’s not all bad: exhibit 1, exhibit 2, exhibit 3. Note, too, that billxi does not engage in downratings wars.
p>We suffer some really horrendous conservativesque ranting here. Since the editors have deemed that Massachusetts’ premier Democratic blog will have conservatives, we might want to go gentler on the ones that can be reasonable.
p>They might crowd out the ones that aren’t and they’re definitely more rewarding to argue with.
Of the 50 states, each state is worth 2%. Massachusetts is getting .25%. THAT IS ONE QUARTER OF 1 PER CENT! for the most true bluest state in the nation. I think that shows how much our democratic one party state matters to Washington. I smell a bag job, and the bag ain’t full of daisies.
Whether it be .25% or .0025%, it depends on your interpretation. But a fraction of 1% when the AVERAGE is 4% does not bode well for Massachusetts.
Congress should not try to help states based on how bad off they are, but on how heavily they voted for the majority party? That says a lot – but it says it about you.
If MA got 2 billion out of 787 billion that is .2541296%. I’m also wondering how we made out per capita. Even if you accept a premise of equal distribution giving every state 2% only makes sense if state populations were equal.
we’re kind of close to 2% of the population. Massachusetts has roughly 6.5 million people out of a national population of ~305 million. About 2.1%, give or take.
How much of this is doled out by state? Somehow, I doubt the recovery act has a table listing what money goes to whom by state. If we want to have an intelligent discussion, I’d like to see how much Massachusetts is getting out out of state discretionary funds, compared to its share of the population.
… said below: “The article quoted doesn’t seem to indicate that $800 million is all that Massachusetts would receive but only that it lists some stuff we will get for sure. “
p>The article simply doesn’t make a claim that the $2 is some kind of definitive ceiling amount (although you could read it as claiming it as some kind of floor amount).
There are a number of ways this can be spun positively:
The article quoted doesn’t seem to indicate that $800 million is all that Massachusetts would receive but only that it lists some stuff we will get for sure.
I don’t think the article is counting what MA residents will get individually from the tax cuts and credits included in the bill. Those make up ~1/3 of the value of the bill, from what I’ve read.
p>And to echo KBusch, I don’t think the article is saying we can’t get more than $2 billion. I think that of the money that’s clearly going to one state or another, that much is coming here.
You have to be stifling at least a giggle when you say that. Every possible tax is being raised. State workers who attained their jobs on merit are the first to be let go. I haven’t seen a civilian flagman since the photo op last October. I notice the governor is shitting all over the most vulnerable in our population while hiring his neighbor for #120,000. Social Darwinism lives on in MA. How sickening!
When it comes to misery, unemployment trumps higher taxes, but I confess that I don’t know how Massachusetts unemployment compares to other states.
Great, certainly not. But you have to consider where we are in relation to other states. Consider, just for one example, California, which is almost entirely broke.
p>Everyone’s hurting, we’re just hurting less.
Now I know you’re kidding me. Go ahead, I have a sense of humor.
The funny thing for me about this SNL skit
is that it derives from the sharply different evaluation and sense of humor of Republicans from the rest of us Democrats. The discussion of Obama’s press conference has more irony packed in than I usually encounter here.