Bipartisan Group Highlights the Benefits of Wind Energy, Need for Federal Action
In Washington, DC today, the 23 members of the Governors’ Wind Energy Coalition released a report outlining the benefits of wind energy for their states and the country, along with success stories from the states. First and foremost in the governors’ policy recommendations is a national renewable electricity standard.
“Massachusetts and other states have shown the way forward on fighting global warming and jump starting our economic engine with clean energy. The Governors’ Wind Energy Coalition report is a call to action for Congress to follow the States’ lead,” said Environment Massachusetts Field Organizer Winston Vaughan.
The report shows that a national renewable electricity standard would be an important step toward solving global warming and revitalizing our economy. To date, 28 states and the District of Columbia have passed renewable electricity standards, some requiring as much as 33 percent renewable energy.
These states are reaping the benefits of clean air and new jobs that come with a renewable energy standard. For example, in response to Michigan’s renewable energy standard, ATI Casting in Alpena recently reopened an old auto factory to make iron parts for wind turbines, creating 150 new jobs.
The report itself included several clean energy highlights:
America can get 20 percent of its electricity from wind energy by 2030 at little ratepayer cost;
Getting 20 percent of our electricity from wind by 2030 will create 500,000 jobs in America;
Rural landowners will accrue “wind royalties” of up to $600 million;
The Governors’ report identifies 12 specific projects that have created nearly 5,500
manufacturing jobs around the country.
Environment Massachusetts urged the governors to go further with their renewable energy goals. The
governors’ report only considers wind power. A national renewable electricity standard could boost solar, geothermal, and other renewable energy technologies.
“We are excited to work with these governors to repower Massachusetts, and repower America with
clean energy and we hope that they will support President Obama’s goal of