If we have another championship this spring the MA Attorney General or possibly the United States Attorney should seek a court order prohibiting the Boston Police Department and it’s employees from violating the civil rights of individuals engaged in the celebration.
A pattern of civil rights abuses by BPD officers during these celebrations has emerged.
Unfortunately we have an incompetent mayor and a district attorney who believes his only duty is to bag cases for the Boston police.
D.A. Dan Conley record is eggregious. As a result of his misfeasance and malfeasance the BPD has festered into a force with no self-restraint and little incentive to change.
Please share widely!
Here’s a great selection of rioting videos of Celtics fans (and this is WITH a police presence). Without cops there the image of the insane mob from the Frankenstein movie comes to mind.
p>How’s this, we get the AG to issue an injunction against any asshole fans disturbing the peace, rioting, assaulting other people, destroying property, flipping cars over…
that police officers must violate civil rights in order to perform their lawful duties?
I’m not sympathetic to these self-entitled
riotersrevelers who think that the city is their own playground to get drunk, tip over cars, light fires, and puke in the streets. Screw them.If the parents of these over-privileged out-of-town college children forgot to instill any sense of responsibility or good citizenship in their precious offspring, I have no problem with the cops doing it for them with the business end of a billy club or pellet-gun.
was not a rioter. She was celebrating a championship when she was shot in the face by a police officer. I believe the hard pepper spray pellet tore through her eye and entered her brain, killing her.
And they always will. Nothing is ever perfect and there are thousands of examples of people doing the right thing but someone innocent getting hurt. Ever happen to you? Happens to me every time I take a prescription drug for something and I have a “side effect”. But until someone invents a better drug I’ll keep taking these ones. I’d never let my kids go to one of those celebrations. The video I posted above shows the insane violence that happens with these crowds with a strong police presence and I can’t imagine how crazy it would get with no police presence. Then the “where were the cops” complaints would start…