My web site has some of the basic information about this election and the district at…
I’ve had the chance to meet with committees across the district (so far, Wilmington, Groveland, West Newbury, Newbury, Boxford, Middleton, Manchester, Gloucester, and Rockport) and I’ve been gratified by the reception my candidacy has garnered.
There are a lot of questions about this seat, the responsibilities of the DSC members for the district, the election process, and where we go as a district to elect Democrats to the legislature and beyond. I hope to address some of these questions on the web site and in meetings over the next few weeks.
I look forward to continuing to meet with the committees over the next few weeks.
Patrick Abegg
Candidate for Democratic State Committee
State Committee Vacancy
First Essex Middlesex Senate District – MaleA vacancy has been declared by the Massachusetts State Party as a result of the untimely passing of DSC member Charles McCarthy of Gloucester.
I have been asked by John Walsh, State Party Chair, to chair a conference to fill this vacancy. Marilyn Hazel, DSC member from Danvers has agreed to serve as co-chair.
Any interested candidates must file a letter of intent with the state party no later than 5PM on 02-27-09. For contact information, and
to view rules to elect a state committee member, please visit committees in each community in the senate district are eligible to elect members to attend a senate district conference where the state committee member will be elected. These meetings will be held in the coming weeks. Contact your town or ward chair for specific information on dates and times.
The Senate District Conference will be held on April 4, 2009 at 2PM at Ipswich Town Hall.
Candidates must be a male, a registered Democrat and residing in the First Essex Middlesex Senate District (Sen. Bruce Tarr).
The communities include:
West Newbury
North Andover (select precincts)
North Reading
WilmingtonFeel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Arthur Powell
Democratic State Committee – Second Essex District