The story was first reported in the MetroWest Daily News.
Radio host arrested in Framingham on license charge
By John Hilliard/Daily News staff
MetroWest Daily News
Posted Feb 13, 2009 @ 11:51 AM
Last update Feb 13, 2009 @ 09:53 PM
FRAMINGHAM –WTKK-FM radio talk show host Michael L. Graham faces charges he drove with a revoked license and ran a red light on Rte. 9 Friday morning, police said.
Framingham Police Lt. Paul Shastany said an officer monitoring traffic spotted Graham in a green Jeep Patriot SUV stopped at a red light on Rte. 9 eastbound, near Temple Street, at about 5:30 a.m.
Shastany said Graham drove through the red light to make a U-turn onto Rte. 9 westbound.
Checking Registry of Motor Vehicles records, the officer discovered Graham’s license had been revoked over what Shastany called an “insurance issue.”Graham, who was arrested near Oakcrest Drive, was cooperative and polite with officers. He was released on bail at about 7 a.m., Shastany said.
Graham, 45, of 1450 Worcester Road, Apt. 8108, Framingham, was charged with driving with a revoked license and failing to stop for a red light.
After posting bail, the radio yakker was on the air claiming to have been wronged by the Registry. Again, quoting the MetroWest Daily News:
On a blog posting yesterday afternoon, Graham wrote he “was astonished when the officer informed me that the RMV had revoked my drivers license. I don’t know when and I don’t know why, because I – like so many Massachusetts drivers – was never told by the RMV.”
The Boston Herald picks up the story.
Graham, 45, a Boston Herald op-ed columnist, was charged with failing to stop for a red light and driving with a revoked license. He will be arraigned on the revocation charge – a criminal offense – Tuesday in Framingham District Court.
“I’ve got to go to a judge, thanks to Massachusetts, and explain to him that I didn’t know my driver’s license was revoked and they never told me it was revoked,” Graham said.Graham’s Massachusetts license was revoked because of car insurance issues in Virginia, according to officials.
A spokeswoman for the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles said the registry sent Graham a license revocation letter Oct. 9, giving him until the following month to address the issue. Graham did not respond to the letter, according to the registry.
The MetroWest Daily News continues:
According to Registry spokeswoman Ann Dufresne, the registry sent Graham a letter on Oct. 9, 2008, telling him his license would be revoked after 30 days if he did not settle an existing situation with Virginia’s motor vehicle department.
In June 2006, Virginia’s registry revoked Graham’s Virginia license because Graham was uninsured as a driver in that state, Dufresne said.
So who do you believe? Graham-Cracker? Dufresne? Or, maybe there’s a third side to this story. The Herald, once again, quotes the defendant.
Graham said he got a letter from the Massachusetts registry that said he needed to take care of a problem in Virginia.
According to Graham, Virginia registry officials told him that they didn’t have any proof that he had car insurance in May 2006. Graham, who was living in Massachusetts at the time, said he contacted his insurance company but “somehow the ball got dropped.“
“Somehow the ball got dropped?” For one to rant about the mistakes of others, he looks in the mirror and says, “Somehow the ball got dropped?”
Quick to blame, but loathe to take personal responsibility for his own actions. Just the kind of inspirational person we need on the radio.
…and it was a typical whine from someone who most-likely did something wrong, but wanted to blame someone else for their screw up.
p>He gave blow-by-blow details of his one-sided story for about 15 minutes until he stumbled over one sentence about an insurance issue in Virginia…and quickly moved on. I figured there was more to the story and now we know.
p>Yes it is just another case of a conservative not being able to accept personal responsibilty for his own actions.
p>But the sad part about this…Michael Graham will continue his big lie with his listeners. About how only in Massachusetts would something like this happen. And like all right-wing hate talkers, he’ll personify the false outrage with a hated enemy…in this case Rachel Kaprielian, the head of the DMV.
p>You should cross post over at RMG…we can have fun.
I’ll give you fun. Enjoy.
The MetroWest Daily News reported his residential address
as being at 1450 Worcester Road, Apt. 8108, Framingham – believe MG actually lives in Hopkinton – assuming that is accurate, did he forget to provide the RMV with an update license address? Did he provide the FPD with a wrong address? Did the warden kick his cracker butt out of the house? What gives?
Recent State Senator Ed Augustus (D-Worcester) lived in Somerville. Somerville is not in that Senate district. Silly me, Ed’s a democrat, so it’s ok. And yes, Michael Graham plays right fiels.
In an earlier Hearld story, the Registry said they sent the letter to a Hopkington address and apparently Graham moved. If so, either (or both) Graham did not notify the Registry that he moved…as required by law…or did not adequately put in a change of address.
p>So one of two things are happening…Graham is blaming the state of Massachusetts (and if you heard his rant, he did so about 20 times) and expects them to find him…you know, have an ACTIVE government who tracks it’s citizens every move…or he is just trying to blame someone for his own poor behavior.