Today’s online poll at the Lowell Sun, to be published in tomorrow’s paper:
If the election for governor were held today, who would you vote for?
Total Votes = 437
Deval Patrick 53 Votes, or 12.12 %
Kerry Healey 109 Votes, or 24.94 %
Christy Mihos 74 Votes, or 16.93 %
Somebody else 201 Votes, or 45.99 %
You know what to do. Click here and do it.
Please share widely!
I am very unhappy with the way the 9C cuts 7 the House One budget are impacting the poor and truly vulnerable in a disparate fasion:
p>1. 100 DMR Case managers – eliminated. No furloughs [unpaid days] first, no upper management impact.
p>2. Elimination of GALs for Education and Best Interest with only 24 hour notice by the Trial courts – no amelioration from the Governor’s office even with notice and documentation provided to the Governor promptly.
p>3. Draconian regulations for homeless families, as announced today.
p>4. Greater cuts to the Judicial Branch Budget lines than to ANY executive agency, when per the Mondan Report and the staffing review most courts are understaffed in the probation and clerks departments – and court reporters and sessions are being eliminated impacting access to justice.
p>NO apparent plan to protect the most vulnerable, at all. THIS is not what I expected. It would have been what I expected from Mitt Romney – or Kerry Healy.
p>Tell me, what is the plan to take care of legal orphans, the mentally ill, children in need of services generally, homeless families?
p>While 96 of the top 100 salaries, all the way up to $600,000 a year are at UMASS – the garage that commuting students need is CONDEMENED.
… and you are my Democratic State Committee member? Geez, if you are this negative, what will the Republicans say?
…and never criticize for cutting services to the homeless, legal orphans or the mentally ill. The Republicans, such as Romney, did this all the time. I guess I expected something different from Deval Patrick’s administration. I genuinely like Deval as a human being. But the choices beng made under Dr. Bigby in Health and Human Services truly disturb me.
p>I understand, too, why with the reduction in services to keep elders in their homes Secretary Festa resigned.
p>Tell me, though, as my constituent, which of these positions do you disagree with? I do like to know. And it is not like I can call you up and ask, given that you prefer to remain anonymous. You could call me – or write me, and I would listen, of course. I don’t do anonymous.
Truly – the world is a more interesting place with you and your comments in it.
How’s the kid doing in the state house? And when are you coming to Burlington?
…for Charlie Murphy’s kick off. Let me know when you are having an event or meeting and I will come if I am not already scheduled some where else. I do shop regularly in Market Basket, though. On so many items they have the best price. Who knows? Maybe you will introduce yourself one of these days.
p>I spent much of election day in Billerica, actually.
I don’t go to the Market Basket in Burlington. It’s on the wrong side of 128, and it takes too long to get there. It’s much easier to just drive up 3A to the Market Basket in Billerica. The Burlington store is also too crowded – better selection and faster checkout in Billerica.
p>You should spend more time up here – now that we have the House Ways & Means Chair.
Your pragmatic analysis is intriguing.
p>Given the pressures on my time, I mostly go where i have to go, or need to go so it all depends what is happening in Burlington that I know about [or Lowell, or Chelmsford, etc.] So by all means do post more about what is up in Burlington – I bet lots of us would like to know.
It was well worth the trip. The Billerica Marketbasket is cleaner, about 2 and a half times the floor space, with a much greater selection. Thanks for the recommendation and it WAS worth checking into. It is definitely a Saturday trip, though, as the travel time is longer and the road a bit winding, better in daylight.
People from Burlington don’t go to the Burlington Market Basket. That’s for people from Lexington and Arlington. I guess you’re from Arlington, so that’s ok, but it’s so tough to get there. Too much traffic around the mall.
so someone could see my license plate
Baker and Cahill have a better shot at running in 2010 than Healey does again. No wonder ‘somebody else’ is winning.
p>And any paper that publishes an online poll as anything other than filler deserve plenty of contempt.
As of 5:24, here are the numbers:
p>If the election for governor were held today, who would you vote for?
Total Votes = 594
Deval Patrick 110 Votes, or 18.51 %
Kerry Healey 145 Votes, or 24.41 %
Christy Mihos 85 Votes, or 14.30 %
Somebody else 254 Votes, or 42.76 %
p>Time to vote! Click here!
I’ve never figured out why media outlets do this. Everyone knows they are not the least bit scientific. As someone from the circulation area of the Sun I can say that Deval Patrick almost certainly will not win this poll, but either way it means nothing.
As Pablo and the Sacred Cod should know, this is good marketing, nothing more.
Those big dig ads apply to all government!…
The opinions of self-selected survey respondents can’t be extrapolated to anything. If anybody seriously thinks that Kerry Healey could beat Deval Patrick in a re-match, they’re living in a GOP fantasyland.
p>Bay Windows also does whimsical surveys in its online editions, but doesn’t try to pass them off as anything more than entertainment.
Though to be fair to the Sun it generally does not try to create a story out of these results. It just publishes them in the margin of the front page right next to the new poll question.
The Sun is, after all, edited by an incoherent man whose grip on reality I question. At any moment, he could decide to change that policy and print it on the front page as an article.
p>I wish I were kidding, but I’m not.
…you seem to have an obsession with Campanini (sp?). Sometimes it’s justified; other times I think you just pile on. (I follow Left in Lowell too!)