President Obama should consider James Roosevelt, grandson of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, to be the next Secretary of HHS.
Not only was Jim Roosevelt the past chairman of the Massachusetts Democratic Party but he is the head of Tufts Health care. Perhaps, more than anyone else he is aware on a daily basis of the crisis in which our health care system now exists.
As far as we know, Jim Roosevelt does not have a chauffeur unlike Tom Daschle.
Please share widely!
He certainly kept his cool while running the Democrats’ rules committee — the one that decided what to do with Michigan’s and Florida’s delegates to the convention. I don’t know if he has the connections and experience to guide health care reform through the Congress, though.
p>Plus, I think it would drive LaRouche’s acolytes nuts.
What do the LaRouchies have to do with Jim?
Have I missed something?
…but all the better for you. The LaRouchies claim to invoke FDR as a model President as they try to hijack the Democratic Party. Being active in the Young Democrats I’ve seen their tactics first hand over the past few years. It’s gotten to the point that as much as I admire FDR myself I’ve grown weary of anyone who overdoes their praise of him lest they really be a LaRouche disciple. I’ve often wondered how Jim Roosevelt feels about all this, both as a grandson and as counsel to the Massachusetts Democratic Party.
Roosevelt III is a bad guy in LaRouche world, because he’s part of the cabal that is seeking to control the world economy by allowing a floating dollar and not basing it in gold and controlling the Democratic Party Illuminati Bilderberg blah blah blah
it would drive ron paul followers nuts, who hate roosevelt.
p>this might be fun!
James Roosevelt is a terrific man.
From a PR and psycological standpoint having a Roosevelt in the Cabinet/White House in the middle of another Depression brought on by the Republicrats would be an outstanding move.