Joseph Lazzerini was in a world of his own Sunday night as he kicked off his campaign for Ward I city council. At 18 years-old, he is the youngest person to run for the position in the history of Attleboro. More than 150 people were in attendance including: Representative Bill Bowles, At- Large School Committee Person Frank D’Agostino, former state senate candidate Dr. Sara Orozco, Attorney Robert Jubinville, Register of Probate Gina DeRossi, and Attleboro Executive Director of the Council on Aging Madeline McNeilly.
The event began at 5 p.m. at The Vineyard Family Restaurant in South Attleboro with a buffet, hors’doeuvres and a cash bar. Around 6:30 p.m. the speeches began with Rep. Bill Bowles who talked about his journey through his own campaign with Lazzerini at his side as youth coordinator. He closed with, “Joe Lazzerini is a credit to the young people in this country. I know that if citizens of South Attleboro elect him, they will have a reliable workhorse.”
D’Agostino took the podium next and joked about the time he spent with Lazzerini on Bowles’ campaign. At the end of his speech, D’Agostino gave his best wishes when he said, “Joe has been there for South Attleboro. You have my support, go get’em.”
Then Attleboro High School English and journalism teacher Ms. Adeline Bee showed her pride in one of her very own students. “His youth and vitality are needed. His feelings will make him successful. Joe cares and he listens. What more can we ask of political leaders?” she said before she introduced Lazzerini to the stage.
In his speech Lazzerini spoke about his leadership roles including the organization he founded and was formerly the executive director of called Kids Are People Too! which raises money for cancer research; the many South Attleboro clean-ups he has coordinated, and his membership in the Attleboro Energy Fund Committee.
On Jan. 9, 2009 Lazzerini enlisted in The United States Army Reserves in order to serve the country and community he loves.
Though people have questioned Lazzerini’s age, he’s proved that it’s not how old you are, but what you can accomplish. His words were full of wisdom when he said, “I believe the person for the job is me. It’s not because I have years of college education, because I don’t, and it’s not because I have years of experience in the public and private sector, because I don’t. It is because I care about this city and I believe I know about the important issues at hand. I am deeply concerned.”
Lazzerini’s platform claims “New Energy, New Ideas, New Leadership,” and if elected these ideals will aid South Attleboro. He said that, if elected, he wants to bring back Rescue 2 to a fully staffed, full time status. He also said he understands the fiscal constraints surrounded by the issue, but will make this a long-term goal for the community. Lazzerini also promises monthly meetings where citizens can discuss issues in the community.
Another important issue he addressed was the city user fees. “I understand the need to not raise city user fees and I won’t raise city user fees unless they are absolutely required,” said Lazzerini.
The last issue Lazzerini tackled was that of taxes on homeowners. This is an area where he and his opponent disagree. Lazzerini said he would not vote to narrow the tax classification factor, which increases taxes on home owners.
Lazzerini gave insightful and helpful ideas for the community. Now it is up to the people to decide if he’ll receive the chance to put them into action. For more information go to To make a contribution send a check payable to The Lazzerini Committee, P.O. Box 3166, So. Attleboro, Ma 02703.
“Lazzerini’s campaign debut a smashing success, says Lazzerini’s campaign in press release.”
p>If you wish to contribute to this blog and detail your plans, interact with the community, you are most welcome.
p> If you want to dump press releases here, that may not work out so well for you. Just saying. In either case, it would be helpful to know if this is an aide, or the candidate himself, one who enjoys speaking in third person. Just a humble note from sabutai.