It seems that today is David’s birthday. Seeing that we are in a virtual political world, I can offer this sweet birthday cake, with wishes someone in his actual reality provides a similar treat with substance.
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
johnd says
hubspoke says
Happy Birthday, David!! And thanks to all three of you for providing us with this big chunk of the Public Square!
amberpaw says…
peter-porcupine says
This is the birthday of MANY composers and musicians according to Brainy History – Segovia, David, and Murray the K!
p>Happy Birthday!
joeltpatterson says
to you!
stomv says
chimpschump says
Happy birthday from another right-wing nimesis! Below is your horoscope (from HowStuffWorks – I didn’t make this “stuff” up!)
p>So stay confident and lay off the sauce!! ;-)>