Since the White House has deemed it necessary to “go after” after individual American citizens to silence or quash their opposition to Barack Obama and his ilk, I have no apprehension in deeming many current allegations of
White House coercion unworthy of belief. As inept, confused, mismanaged, and misguided as George Bush 43 and company were, I don’t recall the Bush White House sending out the Secret Police to pay visits on any American citizens to make it eminently apparent that it would behoove them to cease and desist in dialogue and commentary. This is much like the leftists that refuse to allow opposition speakers on college campus’. It is OK to have Bill Ayers speak at BC, but woe unto a military recruiter at BC.
I’m well past 60 years of age and remember quite vividly the likes of George Lincoln Rockwell, George Wallace, The Weather Underground, SDS, SNIC, and every nut from the right and left. Evil is not confined to the right. Every leftist does not mean you well.
I received this email this morning, and I am becoming overwhelmed with anxiety that our present government bodes us ill. Even under the cloak and color of “the best of intentions”.
Villainy wears many masks, the worst is the mask of virtue.”
Thanks for continuing to follow this Larry.
Even tho it is still unsubstantiated, in my view, it IS something that folks need to be aware of as being out on the net ESPECIALLY since we here at (REDACTED) Inc are being asked about it both by our subscribers and by others who know WE USUALLY scoop the rest of the outfits keeping folks info’d/involved.
Some will remember awhile back we notified you of an individual we know who was “picked up” by “feds” and put into a mental health facility for “observation.” Since that time, we’ve been told by one of our most trusted (and more vocal) correspondents that HE TOO has been “contacted by those identifying themselves as working at the white house”…that they would rather him tone down or simply stop his commentaries/activities that go against the current administration. This individual is a retired Military Officer, a well-respected speaker and subject matter expert in several very technical fields and very well-connected to various agencies both within and external to the govt. IF “they” will come after him, well…..
Again, we recom caution in what folks send via the Electron Field, but that said, folks are going to have to start stepping up….
Expanded List open Bcc.
In 1932 many German jews packed their bags and
departed for parts elsewhere because of the gathering clouds. No doubt they were scoffed at for being reactionary and alarmist.
Always, without exception, maintain a healthy skepticism.
sabutai says
That’s all I can say about this post that comppares Obama to Hitler, makes unsourced allegations, and is just the latest helping of crap bored conservatives are spilling all across this site.
p>This is why you’re getting your behinds kicked by Democrats from coast to coast. Why would any voter take you seriously?
mcrd says
What I am trying to say, disregarding your snotty (but consistent) reply is that you had better keep your brain housing group engaged. I’m talking about a mind set, a frame a reference that ” any means to an end is acceptable, because the “end” is in everyones best interest. There have been many psychological studies done
that iluminates the fact that alleged rational people will commit heinous and despicable acts under the color of law, of “doing duty” etc.
p>I made no reference to Obama and Herr Hitler, you did. The analogy I made was that evil did not rise overnight, it evolved, and it evolved as a means to an end to perpetuate and justify a government, a bureaucratic system. A government that used a secret police to silence opposition. Please don’t embarrass yourself by thinking that Axelrod, Emmanuel, and Co aren’t using every means available to stifle anyone critical. You recall of course Hillary Clinton and the FBI files. Is your memory that short?
justice4all says
Like the post says – you have to start stepping up, otherwise you’ll only have a redacted commentary without a link to support it. As a real skeptic, instead of just a conspiracy theorist, how the hell am I supposed to take this seriously? You make some serious, rather Nixonian claims and then don’t have the castinets to back it up. Bob Woodward, you’re not. You may not have specifically referred to the president as Hitler, but definitely drew some very clear lines between 1932 and the present times. It’s disingenuous to claim otherwise.
p>My advice to you is that if you intend to continue posting the latest conspiracies, you need to also provide something resembling reasonable support. Otherwise, you’re going to come off sounding like a guy with an aluminum foil suit in the closet and a metal colander helmet on his head to deflect those “durn x-rays.” Or one of the Swift Boaters.
kirth says
wicked funny joke emails that people forward you instead of this stuff? Or is this one of those?
christopher says
The email you quote appears to fall into the “Barack Obama is a Muslim” category. If a recruiter was barred from campus, a move I oppose, it would be the college’s decision not someone who is (wait for it) Commander-in-Chief! Yes, President Bush was less than friendly toward the first amendment. Remember Ari Fleischer admonishing Bill Maher to watch what he says, or playing hardball about press credentials for any outlet that criticized the White House? This is a bogus conspiracy theory pure and simple.
mcrd says…
p>”For that reason, I have ordered the MIAC to permanently cease distribution of the militia report. Further, I am creating a new process for oversight of reports drafted by the MIAC that will require leaders of the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the Department of Public Safety to review the content of these reports before they are shared with law enforcement. My office will also undertake a review of the origin of the report by MIAC,” he ordered.
p>The warning earlier prompted Americans for Legal Immigration to issue a “national advisory” against relying on any such reports.
p>The Missouri document, it said, “attempted to politicize police and cast suspicion on millions of Americans. The ‘Missouri Documents,’ as they came to be called, listed over 32 characteristics police should watch for as signs or links to domestic terrorists, which could threaten police officers, court officials, and infrastructure targets.
p>”Police were instructed to look for Americans who were concerned about unemployment, taxes, illegal immigration, gangs, border security, abortion, high costs of living, gun restrictions, FEMA, the IRS, The Federal Reserve, and the North American Union/SPP/North American Community. The ‘Missouri Documents’ also said potential domestic terrorists might like gun shows, short wave radios, combat movies, movies with white male heroes, Tom Clancey Novels, and Presidential Candidates Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and Chuck Baldwin!” ALIPAC wrote.
p>It said the report cited the Southern Poverty Law Center as a resource.
christopher says
For starters I’d prefer a link to something other than what some refer to as “Wing Nut Daily”.
p>Secondly, nowhere is this in any way linked to Obama.
sabutai says
Profiling people as potential terrorists or criminals based on their skin color = good
p>Profiling people are potential terrorists based on their similarity in many ways to Tim McVeigh = bad
christopher says
mcrd says
p>Bob Basso/Thomas Paine: Is this the particularly offensive material?…
huh says
The man is a motivational speaker who’s made a couple of youtube videos.
p>All reports of “disturbing” videos and meeting with the President come from him. Sounds like an awesome publicity stunt to me.
p>I did find this bit from the WND article interesting. Glad to see the GOP has updated their messaging.
p>It’s depressing to see this sort of wingnut BS on BMG day after day after day. All of a sudden, it’s like astroturf Groundhog Day around here.
dcsohl says
“We had another word in 1776. We called them traitors.”
p>Well, sure you did, if you were on the side of the British.
p>Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Franklin – these guys were progressives. In a world that, up until that point, was almost entirely monarchies, a country organized by a representative democracy was unheard of. Such a radical idea.
p>No, in 1776, the conservatives were all wearing nice red uniforms. The progressives – the traitors – were running the show.
hrs-kevin says
I was wrong
sabutai says
The more times I read this, the more it looks like rationalization for future statements and actions.
kbusch says
Recent similar hysteria:
Yes, this stuff is unhinged. We’ve always had conspiracy theorists on our periphery, but we’re beginning to see it move into the mainstream.
p>There’s no shortage of things to be alarmed at.
johnd says
but “The O’Reilly Factor” will mark his 100th consecutive month as the No. 1-rated cable news show. Not bad.
justice4all says
“news show” is a bit of a stretch – if ratings=accuracy, then you must be completely down with Jon Stewart and his Daily Show. Didn’t you just love it when he tucked it to Cramer? Huge ratings!!!
johnd says
lightiris says
Dumb, deranged, delusional, desperate. Buddy, you need to stop reading the droppings of the email-forwarding crackpottery. What the hell is the matter with you?
johnd says
MCRD, next you’ll be trying to tell us Obama will try to control who gets investigated or even controlling the Census. Be serious!
johnd says
He’s like a hired hit man for the Obama team
kbusch says
Do you live in a dense, brandy-soaked house too with walnuts, candied citron, and cherries?
p>It must always smell of Christmas.
johnd says
or possibly for Rahm? I mean, there were plenty of rumors during the Obama campaign which were untrue but a few that were true. THere have been stories out since he became POTUS that were true and some untrue. Many times the hints and allegations we hear are based on facts and just because we can’t prove them doesn’t mean they don’t happen. Said another way, there is a difference between “not guilty” and innocent.
p>Did Chris Dodd know anything about the AIG executive bonuses… NO… I mean yes . Did Obama or Gietner know of the bonuses… NO… I mean yes, of course we knew. Did Deval do any behind the scenes work to get Sen Walsh hired… NO… (emails released)… I mean YES. Do you really think many of the leaders of our country and the parties don’t have “people” to politically or publicly “damage” the opposition? Do you think union thuggery is also a thing only from the movies? I won’t call you a fruitcake since I sincerely think very highly of you but for someone who believed the Bush White House was capable of virtually anything to implement their agenda, I would also think you would acknowledge the possibility that Podesta is a hit man for Obama’s team.
huh says
I’d love to know which Obama rumors you think were true, but the reality is that the National Enquirer had a higher hit ratio than WorldNetDaily.
p>BTW, saying “I won’t call you a fruitcake” is effectively calling someone a fruitcake. I’ll do you the same courtesy.
johnd says
kbusch says
Why are you still here?
p>You serially attack lawyers personally.
p>Now this.
johnd says
Where was my good friend KBusch to give a tongue lashing to those wicked Ad Hom attackers? Truly a beacon for what’s right, or are you simply too tribal?
p>Now will come “if the show fits…” remarks and that’s fine. Consistency has never been a hallmark of the bloggers here.
huh says
I’m thinking something in a second tier daytime soap or a reality TV show. Anything with a lot of shouting, moping, and self-pity.
p>If someone called you douche-bag and asshole, the posts were deleted. So was my post calling you a homophobe (next time I’ll just point out your homophobic comments).
p>It’s telling that you don’t mention your own deleted posts.
johnd says
If I said it then I have to defend it. I do not think making a joke against anything makes me a phobic to that thing. As I said, I don’t think Obama is a “Special-Olympics-phobic” because he made a light joke about them on Jay Leno. Have you ever heard jokes from Chris Rock and thought he must hate “white people, women…”? They’re jokes!
p>I rarely have posts deleted, at least not to my notice. I don’t go back to see old posts so maybe they are. I would hope if a post gets deleted you would get an email notice to alert you of a “rules of the road” violation. If I violate any rules then they should be deleted but I want the feedback so I won’t do it again. I figure I can make just as many horribly offensive remarks about politicians like Barney Frank… just as people here have made against Republican pols like Bush, Cheney… Right?
p>I’ve said this before but why do you respond to me or my posts? I seem to upset you and I know it’s a blog and anyone can reply to anyone else, but why bother? I don’t read most of your posts or a few other people’s. Although I may start to make sure you don’t commit any typo’s which I’ll gladly trumpet in bold!
huh says
It is funny that you’re having essentially the same conversation with JohnT001. How many other folks are you “not reading” but responding to?
p>Your dislike for various “cultures” is well documented. Here’s just one example. What’s most striking is how shrill you are when people call you on it and how often you resort to armchair psychology and insults to defend yourself.
p>Here’s a hint on one of your deleted posts: “mealy mouthed.”
p>Back to the topic at hand. Using an unsubstantiated claim that some of the Obama smears were valid to give credibility an unrelated set of smears is sketchy at best. While typical of your arguments here, it seems like coming up with backing would be more effective.
johnd says
It is funny and I’m glad you find it funny.
p>I don’t like some cultures for sure. BFD. Do you like all cultures? How about the African cultures where they perform Genital Mutilation on young girls or the Gender discrimination and oppression which many other cultures practice? Religious intolerance is found in many cultures along with overt homosexual oppression and punishment. Do you need links? I don’t think it is wrong to dislike some cultures.
p>Is my defense most striking to you? I thought it would be my total lack of logic or thought process. My insults are usually reserved for people who insult me, sort of a tit-for-tat thing. Granted sometimes they will sweeten the sounds of their insults by using fancy words and indirect assaults and occasionally I’ll respond with rawness. It’s just a visceral thing. Maybe my shrillness comes from what I believe is people’s lack of answering and instead their personal attacks. I wouldn’t mind their personal attacks if they also supplied an answer.
p>Here’s one for you since you’re such a genius. How many times (4 or 5) have I asked the super-sensitive question about race being such a factor in issues (why are so many basketball players black?). Lately my 6 year old has been watching the Celtics with my 9 year old. Now just last week she said to me “Why are all the basketball players brown?”. Had any of you progressive intellects been able to answer my question or at least thrown around some ideas I may have been able to explain it. I could have made something up. I could have lied about it. But I didn’t have an answer and I changed the subject. My wife said I was a coward and should have told her about inner city kids not having much but a ball and a hoop and fighting for success… So I will continue to “dodge the bullet” on that question. That was a serious question asked by me to this group of “different” people than I typically talk to. Instead of answers I got “You bigot” “you idiot” “why do you have an account here” … which again are ok but would it have killed to try to answer it. When I asked about how little the recession has affected me, you yourself had to get snarky before sharing your company’s data. Now, I agree that I could have said “…the numbers in MA are far better than the rest of the country so the effects have been mitigated…” but I was challenging people to answer me. To a degree I still feel our area (and sorry, yes my life) have been impacted minimally by the recession. Whatever.
p>Some people make typos writing “show” when they meant “shoe” and opportunistic zealots jump on it while those same people make a similar typo writing “dschol” instead of “dcsohl”. What do you think of people like that?
p>I just went searching on “mealy mouthed” and found many uses of the phrase by many other posters but couldn’t find mine. Who was I referring to when I said it? I assume I did write it but I forget. I wish I was told that it was deleted and why since it appears the phrase was used by others and their posts are still there.
p>Back to the topic at hand (as you say)… My point about some rumors about noteworthy people (including Obama, Deval or Bush, Gietner, Dachale…) eventually coming true proves nothing. But what is does say is that when hear a story, however absurd like Presidential candidate John Edwards having a love child while his wife is suffering from Cancer… that these stories “can” sometimes come true. Now if Edwards had covered all his bases, paid more shut-up money, evaded reporters and photographers and kept the lid on that story then it wouldn’t mean the story wasn’t true, just that it couldn’t have been proven. My point was John Podesta “could” be a hit-man for Obama’s White House and the fact that I can’t prove it doesn’t mean it’s not true. I never said it was definitely true, just that is was possible.
mr-lynne says
“But what is does say is that when hear a story, however absurd like Presidential candidate John Edwards having a love child while his wife is suffering from Cancer… that these stories ‘can’ sometimes come true.”
p>What you say is true, but meaninglessly so. That is, if someone makes statement X… it could be true.
p>So what?
p>Does that mean it’s ok to ‘put it out there’?
p>No, unless you don’t care about credibility.
p>You may be a woman. It could be true. You may be gay. It could be true. You may be a child molester. It could be true.
p>Any of the above could be true, but it would be irresponsible of me to start ‘putting it out there’ without some backup.
p>Nuff said.
johnd says
I worried about your exact remark when I wrote that. I used to invest some money in the stock market of tidbits like that and many times they tanked so I learned the hard way about rumors (stated as fact). I’ve learned for sure but I have also learned when there is a report of something then it “could” be true. I’m not a reporter so I can’t go digging for facts but early on when the Edward’s story broke on Fox even they shied away from it since proof was “thin” (but at least they reported it while no other MSM source talked about it). But in the end they were right and the other networks had to finally report it.
huh says
I’m dyslexic. I check my posts carefully, but still sometimes leave out words or flip letters. Names like “dschol” are very difficult for me. I screwed it up and apologized when I noticed it.
p>You, on the other hand, appear to submit the unedited first draft of whatever happens to spew from your fingers. Sometimes the typos are the most enjoyable parts of your posts. “If the show fits” is just the most recent example. I try to make lemonade when I can…
johnd says
Then maybe someone like you who makes mistakes would be the last person to point out when someone else makes mistakes, for whatever reason (physical, mental or otherwise). My wife is legally blind unless she wears her contacts all the time. My eyes are very good (20/20) but in the wrong light or with very small print I have to wear glasses. When I don’t have my glasses and I’m trying to read she’ll say “Let me read it for you blind guy” and I flip out and say “You are legally blind so how can you say that about me since I can normally read without glasses”. The same is true for you, if you have trouble misspelling because of a problem, shouldn’t you be the last person to point out other people mistakes? Plus, what if I had a problem (other than stupidity sometimes, I don’t) how would you feel ? Never mind.
kbusch says
No one is pouncing on you for typos per se. We are pouncing on you for thoughtlessness.
p>You are defensive enough that it is difficult for you to accept that some of your writing betrays a lack of thought. I have tried that route. I have given up on it. It does not work with you.
p>Typos are different. We can identify them easily. You and I have no trouble agreeing what constitutes a typo. You cannot be defensive. They are obviously correlated with carelessness.
Let me repeat this. You are representing a point of view which is a minority on BMG. Out of sheer tribalism, liberals will tend to have an unfavorable view of conservatives. If you write crap, all you do is confirm prejudices. You don’t make this any less of an echo chamber. You don’t make anyone “honest”. You are not introducing other ways of thinking about things. You are simply becoming a snark magnet.
p>Please stop doing that.
johnd says
I know I am defensive and I’m sure that is a normal response when you are attacked by the tribe (or as you say, unfavorable view of conservatives). Since I am in the minority I do assume the tribe will “defend” any of the other tribe members when they are challenged or even asked a question. I can’t say “boo” to huh without you coming to the rescue. I’m sure you could agree wholeheartedly with whatever point I would make against huh and you would still defend him/her because of your loyalty to your tribe. You and others defend yourselves without the “defensiveness” stigma because this is your game and your field.
p>So how’d you do the cute little pink block in your post?
kbusch says
Let’s get the context straight:
Again, you’re playing some kind of talk radio game or some kind of competition. No one else is playing that. If huh’s and my interests take us to the similar threads, well, you’re likely to see both of us commenting in tandem.
p>That’s not a crime.
p>That’s not unfair.
p>That’s just how the cookie crumbles.
p>You might also note that, on a number of occasions, I have defended conservatives against pile-ons.
mr-lynne says
… that you seem to keep seeing huh and KBusch on your threads might be indicative of tribalism,… or it might just be that the list of people willing to engage you on any level is quite limited.
edgarthearmenian says
How can you agree or disagree with someone based on some sort of intellectual tribalism? I find a little truth in many of the posts here, both pro and con various subjects. And JohnD is correct: you guys have a gang on the block attitude towards anyone who disagrees, and piling on seems to be accepted by adults who should know better. I grew up subjected to tribal beliefs and it takes a lifetime of new experiences, friendships and travel to see how negative tribalism can be. The main attraction of this blog is the intelligence of its participants, not their hard-core beliefs.
huh says
We’re not defending tribalism at all. In fact, one of my biggest issues with JohnD is his partisanship and knee jerk conservatism. People like him and his hero Jay Severin are a large part of the reason I left the Republican party.
kbusch says
I wasn’t defending it.
p>I was observing it. In fact, I’d take Glenn Greenwald’s point that we progressives are demonstrably less tribal than our opponents.
p>And I’m happy to attempt to uphold the intelligence of this blog: You’ll find me pretty hard on dumb liberal commentary too.
p>That said, this isn’t The Intelligent Commenters Club.
p>It is not The Gathering of the Open-Minded.
p>It is Blue Mass Group. It’s largely Democratic and predominantly liberal. Inescapably, that makes conservatives outsiders.
p>How one plays the outsider role is going to vary a lot. Personally, I find some of the liberal contributions on RMG to be cringe-worthy (though, to be fair, I find the conservatives there even more cringe-worthy). There are some ways of playing that role that’ll turn one into a snark magnet; there are other ways of playing it that can earn one respect, even converts.
p>I confess I find playing that role very difficult. That’s why I don’t have an RMG account.
edgarthearmenian says
As usual, your ideas are well stated.
kbusch says
I appreciate your saying that.
huh says
People can make up their own minds, but I think your typings speak for themselves:
p>The comment stream includes your defense, such as it is. I’m not sure repeating that you find yourself interesting and amusing really helps your case.
kbusch says
This is not an email exchange. Nothing you say here, even in direct response to me, is just to me.
johnd says
Was the person calling me a douche-bag, asshole… actually calling everyone here one? Was your link to a fruitcake which huh must have missed really a reference to all bloggers here? And speaking of email exchanges, go back and look at your “email” like exchanges with huh on various diaries.
kbusch says
* One of the things about paranoia is that the paranoid will inflate perceived threats against himself but will minimize his own acts of aggression.
mcrd says
Gee, that’s odd. No other CEO’s were fired by Obama. Likely because they were all democrat donors or pals of Barney and Chris or friends of Angelo.
p>Ya—-Obama doesn’t headhunt, no pun intended.
lightiris says
Your bigotry is appalling and should be denounced in the strongest possible terms.
p>You deserve a forced vacation from this site. Something is dreadfully wrong with you.
johnt001 says
As did the CEOs at Fannie and Freddie – I’m sure you were full of righteous indignation when the Bush administration did that, right? We’re all waiting for you to link to your past comments condemning those acts…
mcrd says
The old priest lay dying in the hospital. For years he had faithfully served the people of the nation’s capital. He motioned for his nurse to come near.
p>”Yes, Father?” said the nurse.
p>”I would really like to see Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi before I die”, whispered the priest.
p>”I’ll see what I can do, Father” replied the nurse.
p>The nurse sent the request to them and waited for a response. Soon the word arrived. Harry and Nancy would be delighted to visit the priest..
p>As they went to the hospital, Harry commented to Nancy “I don’t know why the old priest wants to see us, but it will certainly help our images.” Nancy couldn’t help but agree.
p>When they arrived at the priest’s room, the priest took Nancy ‘s hand in his right hand and Harry’s hand in his left. There was silence and a look of serenity on the old priest’s face.
p>Finally Nancy spoke. “Father, of all the people you could have chosen, why did you choose us to be with you as you near the end?”
p>The old priest slowly replied “I have always tried to pattern my life after our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” The old priest continued…
p>”He died between two lying thieves. I would like to do the same.”
sabutai says
That was a great joke, as good as when I heard it eight years ago about Bush and Cheney.
p>Talking points, jokes, policies…for a group that hates the environment so much, Republicans are good at recycling.