Republicans and other opponents of the bill want to blame the mortgage crisis on borrowers saying they were dishonest and irresponsible. Rep. Virginia Foxx from North Carolina put it into words on the House floor on Thursday.
It’s some consolation that North Carolina can boast a few very progressive representatives to help balance a woman who so easily spews talking points laced with hate-based code words. Later in the day, North Carolina’s Brad Miller, NC-13, closed the debate.
Contrary to what Republicans claim, this is not welfare. This is not a bailout. This is not permanent. Dishonest Borrowers can’t get their mortgages modified. This will not increase the cost of capital. This will not make it harder to get mortgages in the future for those who are paying their mortages on time now.
Every other asset – yachts, business properties, jets, vacation homes, investment properties – are eligible to have their principal loan amounts modified in bankruptcy. For some reason, Republicans wish for us to think that it is only offering this option for a limited time to a limited number of borrowers that will increase the cost of capital. It simply isn’t true.
Please call and email your representatives in Washington. I’ve made it easy for you. I’m posting scripts to get your started and contact information for the representatives you sent to Washington. No excuses. Get to work!
Here is a simple script for a call:
Hi. My name is _____. I live in the first/second/third, etc. district. I’m calling to encourage Rep. _____ to support H.R. 1106, the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009. We are not going to stop the downward spiral of our economy until we stop the collapse of home values. And we are not going to stop the collapse of home values until we get control of foreclosures. This important legislation will provide mortgage lenders with more motivation to voluntarily work with customers to save their homes. Again, I urge Rep. __________ to support H.R. 1106.
Here is a simple script for an email:
Dear Representative _______________
I urge you to vote for H.R. 1106, the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act of 2009. It is important legislation that will help stop the collapse of home values and the downward spiral of our economy by giving us more control over home foreclosures.
Most of these homeowners were not irresponsible or dishonest when they bought their homes and those that were will not be able to modify their mortgages through this legislation.
We’ve bailed out the financial services industry. It’s time we did something to help average citizens stay in their homes.
Thank you for supporting H.R. 1106.
[Update] – If you would like to add congressional specific foreclosure numbers you can use these. The entire file is found at Scribd. h/t Congress Matters.
Contact Information
If you aren’t sure which district you live in, you can go here. Otherwise, use the list below.
U.S. House
Rep. John W. Olver, MA-01
Rep. Richard E. Neal, MA-02
Rep. James P. McGovern, MA-03
Rep. Barney Frank, MA-04
Rep. Niki Tsongas, MA-05
Rep. John Tierney, MA-06
Rep. Edward J. Markey, MA-07
Michael Capuano, MA-08
Stephen Lynch, MA-09
Bill Delahunt, MA-10
For more information on this legislation:
Rep. Brad Miller’s live-blog at BlueNC.
Rep. Brad Miller’s Q&A in Greensboro’s News & Record
Article in Charlotte Observer
CNN Money article
Editorial for Greensboro News & Record
Representative Miller’s testimony before Judiciary Committee (PDF)
representing you in Congress.
p>It’s still worth a phone call or email so maybe they will see how important this legislation is to their constituents and they might put a little more pressure on those Blue Dogs they call “friends” as they speak on the House floor.
p>Also, this is moving to the Senate next where it will have a little more trouble. Pick up the phone and call your Senators so they can get to work on their colleagues.
p>Thanks for letting me post.
12% or mortgagees are currently in default, 20% are underwater. Without a solution the crisis is accelerating.