Speaker Series: Bill Maher & Ann Coulter
Is the a group going to the see Ann Coulter on Tuesday?
I was never a huge fan, but saw her at CPAC last weekend and was really smitten. Would love to join a group rather than getting stuck solo in the NORML cheering section.
Please share widely!
laurel says
where I don’t have to grit my teeth. Do enjoy though, and bring us back tale from the crypt!
edgarthearmenian says
Coulter does succeed in stirring up the troops.
sue-kennedy says
F Troop
johnd says
Maher is an idiot and can’t back up anything he says. You may disagree with Ann but she at least can speak intelligently about controversial subjects while Maher just panders to the crowd. His show features lefties who agree with him for the most part.
sabutai says
They have been advertising on my screen like crazy, whether at BMG or other political sites. Were the speakers to be people who had an impact on politics in this century, I’d be interested. However, a smarminess choir just doesn’t interest me.
chimpschump says
on current politics is rather like saying Sean Hannity is a liberal.