Well I am not sure if anyone else missed this little gem of a news blurb but it seems in February AIG filed a law suit against the IRS for a refund of a tax claim related to off shore accounts.
You may want to also look at the new site put up by Move on.org and the great American AIG tomato toss
So it sounds like the bad doys of AIG are really all about the Money!
Please share widely!
AIG is suing the government (or us) who actually owns 80% of the company, by using our bailout money. Nice.
with our tax dollars to try and recover taxes levied on earnings they tried to hide in Off shore accounts. Why we would expect less from them is beyond me, but I think this justs throws gas on the bonefire and it is certainly time to fold up the tent and tack our money and run from this corporation it has no knowledge of right wrong or otherwise in my opinion and does not deserve our help.
p>The fear of their collapse is the same fear we had that Sadam had weapons of Mass distruction all smoke and mirrors.
p>As Usual just my Opinion
My understanding is the government can’t be sued unless it allows itself to be. Besides if “the power to tax is the power to destroy,” then certainly the power to sue is as well.
I wonder how many more are out there.
p>As Usual just my Opinion
Teddy Roosevelt had the right idea with “trust busting’.
Rolling stones Mike Tiabbi has all the dirt and for once has an article that puts it all on the table. For many you have seen my rants begging people to listen here is another point of view that lays it all out as well The Good the Bad and the Ugly and Tiny Tim Geitner is right there carrying the water bucket.
p>Enjoy the long article Reads better if you print it out
p>Thanks for listening
p>As Usual just my Opinion
Interesting article. Could do without the tone, but the explanation was clear.