I realize that many of these goals are ambitious and long-term, but I don’t think we can afford to think small on the environment. We all know that the more our government involves community leaders and activists, the better any policy initiative becomes, so I mean it – please give me your comments, advice, stories, proposals, etc. I welcome all of them. If you’d like to learn more about these proposals, you can view a video of my introduction of the Green Agenda to the City Council and visit my website www.connollyforboston.com for more details. Thanks, and I look forward to your comments.
Please share widely!
tedf says
p>Councillor Connolly, what vehicles are you talking about here? If you are talking about school buses, then I wonder, given your support for neighborhood schools, and given Superintendent Johnson’s proposal to increase the number of school zones from three to five, why a better answer isn’t simply to have fewer school buses.
p>Of course the city has other vehicles in the fleet, but since it costs the City $70 million to operate the school bus fleet, I am confident this must be the single largest element of the fleet.
p>That’s not to say that hybrid school buses aren’t a good idea on their own, but why spend the money in a tight budgetary climate where you could reduce emissions simply by decreasing the size of the fleet, and thereby advance another part of your agenda for the City?
aaron-goldman says
Connolly seems to be the most “green-friendly” voice in Boston these days, I hope he keeps it up.
edgarthearmenian says
demolisher says
Lets say you could just for a moment hypothetically consider the case that CO2 turns out to be effectively a non-issue for climate or anything else. Would your green agenda still be green?
p>(Or, Bring on the denier-bashing!)
don-warner-saklad says
Please make more readily available the stenographic machine record of public meetings of our Boston City Council.
lasthorseman says
If Canadian geese,wild turkeys and grounghogs are “in season” or not.
p>Another problem is how best to relieve oneself not within the confines of the house you got evicted from. Such things put you on the sexual offender list.
p>Lastly many prophets of the future tell us that bicycle tires should be bought now as there is a real shortage after the holocaust starts.
p>It’s a tax and it all goes to Bernie Madoff types.