Didn’t you just vacation in Jamaica last week? Now you’re spending the week in Vermont? I’m glad I have faith in LG Tim Murray. When the going gets tough… our governor gets going… away!
Can we PLEEZ have a moritorium on diary posts consisting of fewer than forty words? What a waste of time and space–and you just pushed (possibly) something more substantial off the list with this compelling moment of lucidity.
p>If you feel the topic deserves its own real estate, then at least be respectful enough of both your topic and the people who roost here to actually devote some time to a) establishing a thesis, b) developing your opinion, c) providing some documentation, and d) wrapping it up with a conclusion.
It doesn’t take much to assemble the laundry list of Deval’s travel habits since he took office. A listing of all the states and countries which our guv has graced with his presence would have been effective and is frankly one of my complaints with Deval (hint: start with the 2008 primary campaign…). However, this doesn’t make that cut.
was a major, major issue taken with Romney by the fine folks here at BMG in 2006.
p>It is amusing that the governors travels are no longer have such importance.
If Deval starts traveling to other places and talking about how horrible it is to live here, I’ll have an issue with him, too. One kindof expects the governor to market the state. Romney somehow missed that.
p>Oh, I’ll also have an issue if Deval starts running for President (or Senator) while on his trips.
Fair enough. But this wasn’t this issue raised with Romney. Romney was criticized specifically for absence, rather than for things done during the absence.
I was always about “why is our governor throwing us under the bus?” at least on the travel issue. Travel in the US I’m neutral on. Travel to Dubai would piss me off…
p> I also had issues with pretending fees weren’t taxes and Mitt’s stance on SSM, but those are different discussions. Deval is a big improvement there, too.
The other thing I would point out was the gall with which Romney telegraphed how bored he was with his job after his failure in 2004. That was as annoying as anything else. I think Deval is still engaged in being governor, particularly as he passed up a golden opportunity to move out with Obama’s election. That said, the excessive travel does counterindicate the idea that he is a “hands-on” manager the way of Dukakis or Celucci.
At least someone else is noticing!
I recall pointing out at the time that traveling wasn’t a big deal, but people wanted to pile on at that point. I made the same point when people wanted to pillory him for being a Mormon.
p>There was always plenty about Gov. Romney to criticize without stretching.
You may as well slash the number 2 party in the state.
2008: The Governor suggests casinos. When the vote comes up, he’s off pimping his book. Has it even sold a copy?
2009: He floats the higher tolls/gas tax trial balloon, on a Friday. I guess he figured the uproar would die down. Bad guess Governor.
” Yes we can! Deval-speak for “you do it for me, I’m too important to soil my hands.” The man voted in elections 30% of the time before he became governor.
These 34 degree monrning temperatures are a little chilly when the emperor/governor has no clothes.
How can you dems bitch about AIG? Are they thinking of better ways to “steal” faster than you can? Legislative staff raises? Gubernatorial patronage? Sister Aloisi? Why can only democrats practice patronage?
Note to you entitled folks: We’re in a RECESSION! The answer is not more taxes and higher fees.
I am not apologizing for being an unenrolled voter. The truth hurts, doesn’t it? The revolution is beginning, you brought it upon yourselves.
I think you’re putting too much value on the real estate in the Recent Posts box.
p>I don’t have a formal thesis, documentation or research to present to support my thesis or conclusion, but I don’t think you do, either.
p>Lighten up, Francis.
I don’t have a formal thesis, documentation or research to present to support my thesis or conclusion, but I don’t think you do, either.
p>What you say is exactly right, which is why my–and, perhaps, your–sentiments appear here, appropriately, as comments. Lighten up, indeed.
Every day we see another hack at the trough.. double dipping pensions and the state hacks that make it possible.. A Governor that suffers from lapses of memory loss.. how about those govt cuts??? How about reforms???? nah.. not possible.. but nice cushy jobs for buddies.. ok.. we get it.. your tone deaf. Deval, you will be a one term governor. And a lessen learned.
Can we PLEEZ have a moritorium on diary posts consisting of fewer than forty words? What a waste of time and space–and you just pushed (possibly) something more substantial off the list with this compelling moment of lucidity.
p>If you feel the topic deserves its own real estate, then at least be respectful enough of both your topic and the people who roost here to actually devote some time to a) establishing a thesis, b) developing your opinion, c) providing some documentation, and d) wrapping it up with a conclusion.
It doesn’t take much to assemble the laundry list of Deval’s travel habits since he took office. A listing of all the states and countries which our guv has graced with his presence would have been effective and is frankly one of my complaints with Deval (hint: start with the 2008 primary campaign…). However, this doesn’t make that cut.
was a major, major issue taken with Romney by the fine folks here at BMG in 2006.
p>It is amusing that the governors travels are no longer have such importance.
If Deval starts traveling to other places and talking about how horrible it is to live here, I’ll have an issue with him, too. One kindof expects the governor to market the state. Romney somehow missed that.
p>Oh, I’ll also have an issue if Deval starts running for President (or Senator) while on his trips.
Fair enough. But this wasn’t this issue raised with Romney. Romney was criticized specifically for absence, rather than for things done during the absence.
I was always about “why is our governor throwing us under the bus?” at least on the travel issue. Travel in the US I’m neutral on. Travel to Dubai would piss me off…
p> I also had issues with pretending fees weren’t taxes and Mitt’s stance on SSM, but those are different discussions. Deval is a big improvement there, too.
That seems fair enough.
The other thing I would point out was the gall with which Romney telegraphed how bored he was with his job after his failure in 2004. That was as annoying as anything else. I think Deval is still engaged in being governor, particularly as he passed up a golden opportunity to move out with Obama’s election. That said, the excessive travel does counterindicate the idea that he is a “hands-on” manager the way of Dukakis or Celucci.
At least someone else is noticing!
I recall pointing out at the time that traveling wasn’t a big deal, but people wanted to pile on at that point. I made the same point when people wanted to pillory him for being a Mormon.
p>There was always plenty about Gov. Romney to criticize without stretching.
You may as well slash the number 2 party in the state.
2008: The Governor suggests casinos. When the vote comes up, he’s off pimping his book. Has it even sold a copy?
2009: He floats the higher tolls/gas tax trial balloon, on a Friday. I guess he figured the uproar would die down. Bad guess Governor.
” Yes we can! Deval-speak for “you do it for me, I’m too important to soil my hands.” The man voted in elections 30% of the time before he became governor.
These 34 degree monrning temperatures are a little chilly when the emperor/governor has no clothes.
How can you dems bitch about AIG? Are they thinking of better ways to “steal” faster than you can? Legislative staff raises? Gubernatorial patronage? Sister Aloisi? Why can only democrats practice patronage?
Note to you entitled folks: We’re in a RECESSION! The answer is not more taxes and higher fees.
I am not apologizing for being an unenrolled voter. The truth hurts, doesn’t it? The revolution is beginning, you brought it upon yourselves.
I think you’re putting too much value on the real estate in the Recent Posts box.
p>I don’t have a formal thesis, documentation or research to present to support my thesis or conclusion, but I don’t think you do, either.
p>Lighten up, Francis.
p>What you say is exactly right, which is why my–and, perhaps, your–sentiments appear here, appropriately, as comments. Lighten up, indeed.
Every day we see another hack at the trough.. double dipping pensions and the state hacks that make it possible.. A Governor that suffers from lapses of memory loss.. how about those govt cuts??? How about reforms???? nah.. not possible.. but nice cushy jobs for buddies.. ok.. we get it.. your tone deaf. Deval, you will be a one term governor. And a lessen learned.