Does this mean that this “eguy” is definitely Jim Aloisi? Course not (and I’m not even sure what it mean would if it were) …but it’s definitely a funny coincidence.
A person or persons going by “eguy” went on a short spurt of semi-regularly commenting on Globe articles between Oct 28 – Dec 3, 2008 (starting with an article about Dianne Wilkerson’s arrest and ending with the article about possible Big Dig privatization), and then seems to have stopped cold. Overall, “eguy” posted six times in the Globe comments with half pertaining to politics/big dig and once each on flying, horticulture, and alternative definitions of “maroon”. Does this eclectic collection of interests sound like our current Sec of Transportation, former Big Dig fixer, and self-proclaimed Voltaire enthusiast? In my opinion there does seem to be some overlap in known interests and style- but I’ll admit that is very subjective. One writing quick stands out, this “eguy” definitely likes to incorrectly pluralize certain words (“Chineses” “Japaneses” “legislations”), possibly for comedic effect. Judge for yourself, here’s the rest of the comments-
October 28, 08 01:35 PM, on Dianne Wilkerson:
“what took so long to get rid of this self-serving criminal??
wait, this whole thing must be racially motivated. call Al Sharpton and Jesse, somebody, please march for justice…. LOL”…
November 19, 08 03:46 PM, on a State House page getting arrested for robbery:
“He is the perfect fit for employee of the month up at the State House. Since most of them are robbing us everyday, with their legislations, bribery, etc… He is no different, only he prefers to use a gun instead of legistations to rob us.”…
November 11, 08 04:06 PM, on airlines asking the question of whether customers would be willing to pay to not sit next to a parent w/ baby:
“May I request not to sit next to the fat person or the person with BO for $10. I will pay $10 to sit next to that hot model in row 7 please..
what is this world coming to???”…
November 28, 08 10:40 PM, on a dispute between neighbors about the removal of a tree:
“interestingly, from the picture of the trunks, the tree looks pretty healthy. but then again, the home owner does have the rights to plant and in this case, to remove a plant from his/her own property.”…
November 17, 08 01:01 PM, coming through with joke about an intra-comment spat stemming from a commenter calling somebody else a “maroon”:
“Maroon is a color and is also referred to the people of the Carribean Island.”…
In case anyone is curious, I found these by googling eguy AND “big dig,” which brought up the first article, and then the rest doing a google search of for eguy.
I really doubt the Globe’s poster is Aloisi. Doesn’t sound like him, from having had a 45 minute conversation with the guy. I’m not saying I’m certain, but I do doubt it.