The Obama administration is about to give those fighting our present wars a real slap in the face. On second thought, this is much worse. President Obama, to save the veterans Administration money, has decided that returning veterans, who have suffered grievous injury, while serving at the behest of their commander in chief, will be responsible for paying their own medical expenses though their own private healthcare insurance carriers.
I really don’t know where to begin. Firstly, your soldiers (members of the armed forces collectively) don’t have health insurance. They go from high school or college into the service. The only folks who will have health insurance, perhaps, are reservists and soldiers whos’ spouse may or may not have health insurance. Many of the returning casualties are injured and scarred for life, requiring constant medical care. Why should private insurance carriers be required to bear the expense for long term chronic injury, that may cause secondary and tertiary problems, when those injuries were sustained while the affected individual was a essentially and employee of the United States of America?
Who’s responsibility is it other than the United States of America, you and I, who have sent this folks into harms way. Can you imagine the the
chaos that will ensue and the financial liability for these young people and their families attempting to deal with the myriad paperwork and middlemen for medical authorizations etc and then with the billing.
At the present, soldiers are treated with the best medical care possible and cost is not an issue. Burns, traumatic amputation, gunshot and shrapnel injury, disfigurement cause tremendous expense to repair. Should we now tell our our soldiers, “You’re on your own kid?”
Keep in mind that our military is the only and final defensive line between peace and tranquility here in USA and chaos abroad. What would possess the commander in chief to turn around and screw the very people that are keeping him and all of us safe?
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Obama is taking a meat cleaver to the DoD budget. Ammunition, fuel, weapons etc are all about to be cut. When the chips are down, you don’t want our soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen out there bare ass with fly swatters. As much as you won’t like this, I was a witness to the DoD budgets of the Clinton era. Ships sat at the quay, aircraft sat on the ground, there was no munitions for training—-as a matter of fact there was little training at all. The Coast Guard couldn’t go out on patrol and USCG stations were close and mothballed.
All of this is not etched in stone until the new budget becomes law. We will rue the day if these presidential proposals come to pass. People should give this all very serious consideration. The consequence could prove to be catastrophic.…
in this post.