Marvin Gordon,long time financier and friend of Deval Patrick and the State Democratic Party said last week that the Marion Walsh/HEFA scandal is of Watergate proportions.
Now with the FOI release of Emails from Governor Deval Patrick’s corner office there has been weight added to that charge.
Those emails reveal that Doug Rubin – who the Governor MUST FIRE IMMEDIATELY – set the whole Hack Hiring of Marion Walsh in actions. Rubin and his ilk not only had to make up the job deescription for the HEFA position that had been unfilled for 12 years but Rubin and his cronies even made up the salary for this phony job. And just like Watergate both Deval Patrick and his stupid staff lied about the process to the public and the press.
Fortunately, the Boston Globe asked for FOI search which revealed the email trail. How stupid is Doug Rubin? Rubin should be fired for his stupidity alone if not his corruption of the system and out and out lies in true Watergate style.
Of course this followed the revelation of the reaming out emails he sent to James Aloisi for posting on this very discussion board in defense of his sister in the “No Show” job his sister was given in the State House. Doug Rubin added in a very “Kats and jama” style of the Richard Nixon’s henchmen,H.R Haldeman and John Ehrlichman that Aloisi must keep his mouth shut …. or else…
All in all it is about time for Deval Patrick to pack it all in and take the next opening in Washington if it is offered to him. Of course, Deval Patrick reputation may be so toxic that President Obama would not get near appointing Deval Patrick with the proverbial ten foot pole.
Deval Patrick came in with so much promise but he is turning out to be a total fraud or incompetent.Sadly, his total inability to understand that appearance is the message will probably bring another abrupt end to progressive government in Massachusetts. One can expect that now retired and crazed right wingnut Kurt Schilling will try to ‘wave the bloody sox’ all the way into the Governor’s Office in the next year. The Globe has tried to marginalize Tim Cahill as just another hibernian hack and they may have succeeded but Deval Patrick’s failure as Governor will just encourage this hack to run against him in the primary dividing the party and electing another No-nothing Republicrat like Kurt Schilling or that other wingnut and right wing radio favorite Senator Scott Brown.
Don’t know how Deval Patrick can come back from this high level of deaf-earness, bungling and old-boy hackaramaism but he could start by firing his entire staff, apologizing to his constituents and starting all over.
Marvin Gordon, a Milton neighbor of Governor Patrick is correct – the Deval Patrick Administration is acting in very clear Nixonian fashion and if Doug Rubin’s emails are to be believed they are beginning to develop an Nixonian Enemies List. Some straight, frank talk and a clear apology from Deval Patrick might be a start on the road to recovery but that is probably even too late.
Who knew that Deval Patrick – a candidate with much promise and hope – would be nothing more than the Robert Redford character, Bill McKay,in the movie “The Candidate” who when he wins his race for Senate turns to his campaign manager in the back of the limo and utters the famous words, “Whata we do now….?”
Very sadly,we elected Bill McKay in the body of Deval Patrick. Can progressive government survive his blantant failure as Governor of Massachusetts?
Hey, the most stinkiest interpretation of this whole affair — even adding a dollop of ignorance — doesn’t match up with burglarizing your opponent’s headquarters to steal their election resources, then spending months of time and thousands of public dollars in an attempt to cover it up.
p>This is patronage, not banana republic corruption.
this gang that could not shoot straight slipped on a banana and they are making this state look like a banana republic or at least back to the good -ol days of “Taxachusetts” and Michael Stanley Dukakis.
God save the Commonwealth.
p>I am Spartacus !
Mr. Gordon’s alleged statement is patently absurd on its face. Obvious difference #1: Watergate involved illegal activity. Need I go on?
Wake up!
Deval Patrick’s cronies are going to elect a Republican as the next Governor of Massachusetts.]
p>Marvin Gordon is just trying to save the Massachusetts Democratic Party from itself.
p>When you LIE about as badly as Doug Rubin did and think you can get away with it that is a corrupt as Watergate – break in or not. Get your collective heads out of the sand and face reality. Patrick is bringing down the state Democratic Party.
sure is great to have you!! Your concern for the Democratic party sure seems genuine.
under whelming. Do you doubt my sincerity?
I am Spartacus !
What “sincerity”?
p>Myself, I don’t think sincerity and anonymity really blend very well!
p>The Walsh appointment was dumb – it was not illegal.
p>The best way to merge those two agencies is to have a conference committee of their competent & experienced staff, high level, do it.
p>Watergate was illegal, criminal, and subject to an equally illegal and criminal cover up. I was old enough at 60 to be around in Watergate days – and to be tear gassed and clubbed.
p>Please, you don’t sound sincere – you sound young and stupid, as well as mean-spirited.
p>Calling the Walsh appointment out for dumb – ok.
p>Putting it on the same level with Watergate? Nah. Then you sound dumb.
spell betta than myne butt mi thots r truue.
I is probebly olda than u . As to Marian Walsh she is just another Hibernian Hack. Deval and his ilk is just giving the likes of the crazies right wingers Graham, Carr and Severin loaded guns.
Time for Deval Patrick to RESIGN !
But really, I think ‘Nova has been lucky to get this far. Their dance ends next game. At least, that’s what I’m hoping.
This is a case tailor-made for a smite button. There should be one on every keyboard just like this:
The whole affair reeks more of political ineptitude than of malfeasance. The Watergate comparison is just ridiculous hyperbole.
We REMEMBER Watergate; younger people who have grown up with the generic ‘-gate’ suffix may not be aware they are indulging in hyperbole.
The voting age is 18, PP, you know.
When Walsh’s job was voted on by the HEFA board?
Considering the fact that multi-millionaire, Marvin Gordon, helped finance a good part of Deval Patrick’s campaign for governor that appears to be a rank effort on the part of the Patrick Hacks to engineer this hack appointment behind Marvin Gordon’s back knowing he would never support this outrageous payoff. Further, Gordon’s position on the Board is unpaid. So, he doesn’t have to ask anyone’s permission to go on vacation.
Marvin Gordon is a man of character. Too bad too many of the creeps surrounding Deval Patrick are not. Does that make Patrick a creep or worse?
Keep it up and Deval Patrick will make Keith Olbermann “Worst Person In The World” list.
p>Yes we can…fool some of the people some of the time … but time is catching up with these fools who are killing progressive reform in this state.
Marvin Gordon cannot possibly have given more than $1,000 — $500 in 2005 and $500 in 2006 — to Deval Patrick’s campaign. So … let’s try another argument, shall we?
p>Or maybe not. Thanks for playing!
The post said Marvin Gordon helped raise money for the Deval Patrick campaign not that he gave his personal fortune to it.
Get you collective heads out of your #@#$% and face the reality that Deval Patrick blew it and is bringing down the State Democratic Party…Big Time
p>I am Spartacus !
Gosh, I can only imagine where a middle of the road QB like him is going to go. The teams that need him the worst are going to draft better and he’s kinda late, so the teams that wouldnt draft already have their QB set.
p>Maybe the 49ers? Falcons?
Can any of you posters read?
Buddy, do you even know where you are or have you been playing football too long without a helmet?
p>I hope he goes to the 49ers. They deserve someone good but not overwhelming.
get a helmet and wear it.
It is a great movie, not a juvenile comedy hour.
p>But thanks for the April Fools day post! You made a lot of people laugh. 🙂
if you think that this will not seriously damage or not kill all together progressive government in Massachusetts.
Deval Patrick and his boys have done more damage this year than the Republicans have done in 10 years.
Patrick has to shape up now or leave.
That is no April Fool’s joke.
Sorry, but Deval Patrick and his gang have become the April Fools. Let not the joke be on us.
Let’s keep in mind that Watergate involved campaign checks from single donors of $25,000…
as Ted Koppel said to another ‘winner’ Michael Dukakis on Nightline low those many years ago.
Sir/Madam – YOU just don’t get it. Democratic reform is in trouble do to the mis/malfeasance of the Patrick Administration.
p>I am Spartacus ! ! !