I am not going to jump up and down, call names, and snark like JQ Adams did, but I do think the impact of the cuts on the Judiciary’s budget, and their decision to eliminate GAL funding is a very bad development for vulnerable kids – if legislation were introduced concerning this, would the administration take a good look at supporting this – or a separate line item for GAL funding?
Also, Chapter 54 of the Acts of 2005 was passed before Gov. Patrick was elected, but authorized two commissions which could be “low hanging fruit” that could be harvested for real reform – here is a link to it, complete as passed: http://www.mass.gov/legis/laws…
If you only respond to the bomb throwers, then there will be more verbal bombs thrown.
As you know, I wrote a letter to Gov. Patrick, enclosed copies of the source documents in November of 2008. I am still waiting for an answer. I posted that letter on BlueMassGroup at the time, as well: http://bluemassgroup.com/s…
There was no response to the hard copy letter, and no response online, either.
I am also willing to believe that no one in the Patrick Administration knew about the two Commissions authorized by Chapter 54 of the Acts of 2005 – and how these Commissions would respectively save money, expedite reform, and identify revenue. I would love a confirmation that you have read this.
I am sorry but I am not as up to speed on this issue as you clearly are – let me look into it this week. I will make sure that somenoe gets back to you on this. Thanks for your interest.
And here it is 10:26 PM!
p>I am doing the work of being the volunteer Clerk/Treasurer for the Massachusetts Association of Court Appointed Attorneys [MACAA], as I usually do on Sunday nights. I cannot afford to do the volunteer work of book keeping for MACAA as its treaturer during the week or at “normal” times, as I am totally self-employed, and involved in issue advocacy for which I am also unpaid and have a family too.
p>[MACAA] MACAA is the only organization that an attorney such as myself who does primarily child welfare indigent defense can join as a full member, by the way, and be have a group to work with on these issues, who understands indigent defense from the perspective of the independent contractors who do most of the constitutionally & statutorily mandated work for the indigent accused.
p>Anyway, I attended all the hearings of the Commission on Indigent Defense, submitted written testimony on my “own dime” as I frequently do, and am very familiar with Chapter 54 of the Acts of 2005. Unfortunately, that act fell through the cracks, and none of the reforms that were supposted to happen in the future actually happened.
p>The Guardian Ad Litem situation is separate from Chapter 54. It is an orphan issue, just as the 800+ kids who age out of foster care without families, never adopted, are orphans. If you would like me to e-mail you source documents as .pdfs, or any more information, I know you know how to reach me – besides, if you google “Deborah Sirotkin Butler” I am very very easy to find.
I work nights. What’s your excuse, Mr. Shepherd?
So when I blog, the “meter” is not running and the boss knows – because the boss [drum roll] is ME – and the time is unpaid for by anyone. Just so you know.
p>And in addition:
p>1. I don’t get or have a “pensions”.
p>2. I have never been an employee of the Commonwealth – though I bill the Commonwealth and usually get paid for most, but not all, of the work I do for indigents in the child welfare system [the “on the meter” time]- eventually. Much of that work is NOT billable, but is necessary for the “job to be done right.”
p>3. I have not had a paid vacation day – not even one – since 1981.
p>4. I have not had a paid sick day – not even one – since 1981.
p>5. The Commonwealth does not pay for my health insurance, my car, or my internet or internet use.
I don’t agree with everything you and the governor are doing, Doug (may I call you Doug?), but the fact that you’re actually keeping up a conversation in other diaries, not just focusing on your own post impresses the h*ll out of me. This is particularly given your recent interaction with one of our newer and…louder members. I certainly don’t expect this amount of lavish attention regularly, but it’s notable.
And apparently, fraudulent.
Forgive me for being impertinent, but I was under the impression that Soapblox administrators could see the IP addresses of posters. Wouldn’t a check of JQA’s IP address show from which state he blogged? Granted, he could commute from NH to his job as a Mass. “local official”, but unlikely…
… could draw definitive conclusions if you got that he was posting from an IP in NH. A Massachusetts ‘public official’ could very well have a day job in NH.
Who has a blog and can also look up IPs, I can tell you, you only do it when you have to. You have to take the IP and then go to a website that does lookup, etc. It’s not just sitting there in your admin folder…or at least, not in WordPress, dunno about Soapblox, but I imagine it’s much the same.
p>If I had to look up an IP every time I had a new commenter, I’d go batty, and BMG is busier than my blog.
However, JQAdams wasn’t “any commentator”. Anyway, it is true that a NH inhabitant could be a Massachusetts local official, but you really have to stretch the truth. Most Bay Staters hear that phrase and think selectman or school committee, which pretty much demands that you live in-state. If I had a NH IP Address claiming to be a Mass. local official, I’d have questions.
p>I certainly don’t expect the editors to instantaneously react to every bit of trolling on this blog, but that was a really, REALLY ugly episode.
they’d be right in thinking “school committee,” since that’s what JQ claimed his position was.
… to say that it’s possible for a school committee member may live somewhere (say Amesbury)and might work in NH somewhere (say Portsmouth). Because on this possibility, one can’t conclude anything about one’s honesty based on a NH IP address. This is the benefit and conundrum of anonymity on blogs.
Let me know what further documentation is needed, or if there are any further questions.
p>The authorized by Chapter 54 of the Acts of 2005 is “shovel ready” and very much needed.