With apologies to journalism professors I think much of journalism school is bullshit. Don’t be mad. I feel the same way about the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
Here’s a winning issue for Deval.
Death penalty for tail-gaters. Not the kind drinking and cooking sausages outside Patriots games but rather the kind that drive right up my ass. It’s a freaking epidemic.
Do something about it! I don’t want to have to take matters into my own hands.
Put Neidermier on it. I mean Aloisi.
Kudos to the Kraft Family for putting former Pats’ owner Billy Sullivan in their Hall of Fame. By far not the best guy ever to run around Beantown but if not for him we would not have the Pats.
Of course what goes around comes around and Billy lost the empire when number one son signed a contract with Don King to license Michael Jackson notchkies. Hmm, a contract with Don King involving Michael Jackson, what could go wrong?
I can’t wait to see some small neighborhood group get prosecuted under the new knee jerk ethics reform package making it’s way though the state house. Have a proposed toxic waste dump or a methadone clinic come to town and you could be breaking the law if you go to your rep and his compadres and exercise some free speech. You would be wise to consult a lawyer before you put all the neighbors on the bus to Beacon Hill. With these new crimes and subpoena powers the door is wide open for selective enforcement.
I am waiting for a newspaper story on the automobile V-Chip industry. The cost to implement this program, even a pilot program, will be big money for some people. Who?
I don’t know. Do they have a relationship with anyone in the governor’s administration? Who are their lobbyists/consultants in Massachusetts? Why such a rush to implement a pilot program for a problem that hasn’t occurred and there is far from a guarantee it will?
What is the behind the scenes story on the V-Chip. In other words, what is Aloisi really up to?
RIP Larry Glick
Any Glick-niks in BMG land?
The St. Patty’s South Boston breakfast was as predictable as the others. Good to see all of DeLeo’s team sitting at the big kids table getting their mugs on TV.
Is it me or does Gene “Knuckles” O’Flaherty look like the love child of Steve Lynch and Dennis Leary?
p>Can you provide some more details?
p>I used to listen to Larry Glick all the time. Back when radio was civil…
A flashback of growing up in the ’60s. Transistor radio, earplug and too much tonic to get to sleep.
p>Civil? I remember him explaining the Hell’s Angel’s initiation in so civil a way as to not be thrown off the air. Eat your heart out, Don Imus.
p>To Larry!
I listened to him regularly as well, before all my drive time was spent on the phone.
p>Details per your request.
p>The memories are growing dim.
in my elementary school years, the late 60’s, when I had to get up at 6:00 for my paper route. Larry was on WBZ until 6:00 when he gave way to Carl DeSuze, if I remember correctly. Larry would take calls, mostly from lunatics, play a reveille at about the time I needed to wake up, and play this German march…
p>For those who don’t remember him, the Wikipedia page gives some background:
is that basic training in legal topics is essential for any journalist. It should be part of any journalism curriculum, not a separate mid-career degree program.
Though one could say a basic training in legal topics is also essential for, say, representatives from Minnesota’s 6th congressional district.
Most journalists can’t read a balance sheet, either.
p>In fact, many journalists struggle with numbers, period, which is why the cries of “We’re being cut by 5%” are so rarely checked (ie, actually, spending is rising by 2%, but the interest group wanted spending to rise by 7%, so they call it 5% cut).
p>You could make a long list of stuff it’d be nice for journalists to know.
p>Do most journalists get your “Neidermier/Aliosi” reference? (Classic, btw). Maybe mandatory journo film appreciation of all the classics. Animal House. Godfather (til they can quote it). Casablanca (b/c all the ethics stories have “shocked, shocked”). Superbad?
is that it’s increasingly difficult to be a knowledgeable generalist in society.
p>The Walter Lippman’s idea was that journalists should shape and package the news for those lacking the expertise and ability to collect it. This idea, call it the expert model of journalism, is dead.
p>We still need journalists, I think, to collect information and news, but too many of us know significantly more about particular subjects than most of them can ever hope to. I would put mine or sabutai’s educational knowledge up against an “education reporter” any day.
p>Several posters on here know more about specific areas than a reporter. That’s the nature of the blogosphere. There’s always someone who knows more than a reporter and can put it out there.
p>Watch the Sunday morning news shows knowing what you know, and you’ll realize how little journalists/pundits know.
p>Remember national journalists talking about the intelligence of Mitt Romney? Remember journalists talking about Deval Patrick as an Obama nominee for Supreme Court or Attorney General? They may have had their pundit hats on, but their comments show a startling lack of knowledge.
p>Should they take law classes? Perhaps. I’d like to see them take a class in reading research reports. If there’s one thing they don’t understand, it’s the compexities of research.
Journalists should specialize in an area of reporting and stick to reporting those areas. Therefore law classes, for those aspiring to the legal beat, religion classes for those wishing to work the faith beat, education classes for those who would cover schools, etc. Many news outlets have science reporters, political reporters, religion reporters, etc, so it seems reasonable that journalists have some training in the subjects on which they specifically report.
Newspapers can’t afford to employ five specialists who do a good job on their section. Better to employ two generalists who can’t do anything. Or so the papers think.
Try some business and economics courses, first. I like and agree with what Goldstein said: 7 – 5 = -2!