I’m not sure what to make of this report that a White House press award ceremony naming the President as “Newsmaker of the Year” by the The National Newspaper Publishers Association will be closed to the media and public.
The NNPA is also known as the Black Press of America.
Is this a parody? Did someone hack into the LA Times web site?
This is 180-degrees in the opposite direction from campaign pledges to be the most transparent administration ever, and strikes me as well as blatantly racist, like it’s a blacks-only event (even if it’s not.) Am I alone on feeling this way?
Please share widely!
All the other “reports” on conservative blogs are just links to that one. It’s notable that no other report contains the words “This event is closed press.” and there’s no link to the source.
p>For example, here’s the CBS blog entry :
p>As for racism, please look in the mirror.
Accusation of racism rejected. My opinion was based on the blog “reporting.” On the other hand, can you link me to a MSM report of the event?
The press was banned from the portion of the meeting that was an exclusive interview given by the president to a prize-winning newspaper. That’s the whole idea of an exclusive…nobody else gets to go.
p>But keep up the pity party.
So has the exclusive interview been reported? Was there any coverage of the event?
They did the interview in the late morning, then published in that afternoon in the newspaper. I bought a copy of it that evening. Because that’s how weekly newspapers work.