He has worked tirelessly to elect Democrats to office for decades. His stances on major issues is as follows:
Vehemently Pro -Choice regarding a woman’s right to choose regarding abortion.
As a candidate for State Representative in 1998, he forwarded the idea that it is a matter of “equal protection under law” regarding the right of gay or lesbian couples to marry in Massachusetts. At the meeting that year of the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Alliance he proffered this idea to the organization and that idea was used to have the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Council consider and approve the right due to the gay and lesbian community.
He is against the death penalty under any circumstances, and he has several new issues that he believes need to be addressed in the Massachusetts Legislature.
Knowing all this, I have created another poll.
Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne J. Wilson, Jr.
Also, why the 3 for my comment that one’s voting record was important. Certainly that factor isn’t “worthless”!
p> Yes Christopher, the man mentioned is me.I take umbrage with someone who runs against the Democratic nominee then decides to come to our side when it is expedient.
p>The issues I would like to address are:
p>1. Raising the minimum mandatory sentence for carrying an unlicensed handgun im Massachusetts to two years.
p>2. Making it illegal for employers and auto insurers in Massachusetts to consider your credit history while applying for employment except when the position requires the direct handling of cash or marketable instruments. Under no circumstances should a person’s credit history be considered to determine rates for auto coverage.
p>3. Indexing the Massachusetts Minimum Wage to be increased with the rate of inflation, if it is good enough for the Legislature, it is good enough for those who work hard and are paid the minimum wage. I know of a State Senator that may co-sponsor this legislation if I am fortunate enough to be elected.
p>4. Ending employment discrimination against those citizens who have made a mistake, e.g. a first DUI,a minor misdemeanor and the like. California forbids employers from asking questions about convictions for misdemeanors that have been resolved or for which probation has been completed.
p> Lastly, I have checked the Office of Political Campaign and Finance website, and I have seen that one of my potential opponents has over $40K in his campaign account. I am praying that I can find funding if I decide to run. I am not rich by any stretch of the imagination.
I really want someone better than those three, but if you are petty enough to give a 3 for Christopher’s reasonable comment clearly indicates that you do not have the temperament for office.
To HR’s Kevin:
p> I was not too pleased that someone was readily able to dismiss someone opposing the Democratic nominee for office. This is the BLUE MASS GROUP, isn’t it? We as activists in the Democratic Party should know that people who oppose the Democratic nominee for office cannot be trusted.
p>Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne J. Wilson, Jr.
when you are in office and are displeased with someone? How do I know that won’t act out of petulance?
Hi HR’s Kevin:
p> I had given my response to the post we are speaking of some thought, and if you check again I have re – rated that comment. As a Democrat for all my life, I tend to be a bit biased regarding this particular issue and I understand others might not feel as strongly about it as I do.
p> There are many good reasons that I am a Democrat, including having the funding for a college education promised to my late father Sargeant First Class W.J. Wilson, U.S.A. for his son ( me )stripped away by Ronald Reagan, that my uncle was an air traffic controller who was on vacation when PATCO went on strike and was given the choice to retire or get fired or that my poor aunt worked for one of the last banks to go under in the Savings and Loan fiasco who lost her retirement garnered after over twenty years of work. These were all due to Reagan and that is the main reason I am a Democrat.
p> In closing, I would like you to know that if I am given the chance to represent the people of my district I will consider proposals on their merit while also taking my core beliefs under consideration as well. I understand that others may have differences of opinion with me, and that is why this country is a democracy and not a dictatorship. And that is what makes it great.
p>Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne J. Wilson, Jr.
Such as?
I’d like to ask why we’re moving on to who is replacing Marian without asking the most important question: why aren’t we all expressing outrage about her appointment? Social workers are being laid off. Important services are being cut. But finding a job for Marian Walsh is the priority? The republicans must be chomping at the bit